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Pandemic has created three types of people. Which are you?

There's the pandemic pro, the person who tends to panic and then there are 'pande-maniacs' like our columnist
biting fingernails stock

I would point out how many days and weeks we have all been in lockdown, but to be honest I have lost all sense of time and space.

Yes, I could figure it out, but that seems too much like math and it would hurt my head.

This brings me to this week’s topic: The people of the pandemic!

Basically, there are three personality types I have identified and then a mixture of each. This is completely unscientific.

There are pandemic pros.

These are those who have totally risen to the occasion.

Despite the fears and odd circumstances, pandemic pros still go to work and contribute to the greater good. (Front-liners in any business, from health to grocery, teachers and the media, etc.)

In this same group I put the people who are finding creative and productive ways of spending their isolation time.

I am so impressed by the bread bakers, painters, photographers, home-décor enthusiasts and the encouragers. Who knew everyone was so talented? 

These are the people still out jogging or walking or finding ways of being of service. Some make homemade face masks. Others are delivering their homemade goodies door-to-door from a safe distance. 

Others share a funny picture or nice quote on social media.

Then there are the pandemic panics.

Either they are feeding, sharing or suggesting conspiracy theories, or they are finding ways to squeeze every ounce of joy from the encouragers. You know the type.

Happy Person: “I just got a home delivery of treats from a friend as a pick-me-up.”

Panic Person: “That’s a lot of carbs.”

“Wonder how much that cost?”

“Hope you hand-washed all that cardboard and each bag before bringing indoors?”

The naysayers seem petrified of ever going out in public again. Any slight re-opening of a business or easing of restrictions is met with dismay. Pure panic. I wish they would zip it, but, of course, they can’t because they are paralyzed with fear.

It takes all your strength to ignore and avoid the fear-mongering.

Then there is the third type of person, which, to be fair, is likely most of us.

The pande-maniac (referring to myself).

Folks who feel dark and hopeless one minute, but in the next breath find joy in the simple and then smile.

Admittedly, I have had highs and lows before, but usually it could be linked to circumstances or a low sugar drop. This prolonged isolation brings with it a lot of differing mood swings. Tarzan did less swinging.

I notice the weather has a lot to do with my daily moods. Sun always helps as does fresh air. Rain makes me sad. Snow in May just makes me angry.

I have no great words of wisdom on how to elevate our moods, but maybe a few ideas that might lift the veil of dismay.

The biggest excitement of this pandemic has come from the contactless deliveries.

I have never opened my front door so often or with such anticipation as now. Friends have sent full meals, coffee and muffins, a giant box of snacks, flowers, magazines and pet food. Not only does that send the recipient’s spirit soaring, but it helps out some local restaurants and retailers. I’ve never been much of an online shopper, but that may change.

It doesn’t have to be a big expense, either. I’ve sent out a few gift cards. Choose your amount. Send a donation here and there.  Just a card and letter. Instant joy for the giver and receiver.

Another thing that always works for me is the gratitude journal, as suggested decades ago by Oprah.

Take a journal and write down at the end of a day five things that sparked joy. Anything you are grateful for. That can be anything from a hot cup of coffee in a favourite mug to hearing a special song on the radio to seeing your cat content in the sunshine. They say you can’t complain and be grateful at the same time.

Netflix has been either a great diversion or a humungous waste of time. Either way, it has been helpful.

Livestreaming. Have you been watching all the celebrities doing mini concerts for us? What a treat!

Socializing via phone, email, Facebook or video call. Instant way to brighten your day.

What a bonus — all this social connecting with family, old friends, new friends, people who called the wrong number. I’m so happy to connect and it is happening all the time. I even found a super rich uncle in Nigeria. Go figure!

My lowest point may have been the day I opened my snack box and slid salty Bugles onto each finger like a Bugle manicure and then ate them off one by one. This activity took a half-hour. It was both ridiculous and delicious.

Whenever you have a bad day, remember at least you have never sunk to my level!

Pande-maniacs unite!


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