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Jane Dunlop vows to be 'positive force' in Severn Township

Dunlop is seeking re-election as deputy mayor and promises to bring 'hard work, transparency and honesty' to township council
jane dunlop 2022
Jane Dunlop is seeking re-election as deputy mayor in Severn Township.

Editor's note: OrilliaMatters has asked council candidates in neighbouring Oro-Medonte, Ramara and Severn townships to provide a synopsis of why they are running in the Oct. 24 municipal election. The following was submitted by Jane Dunlop who is running for deputy mayor in Severn Township. For more election coverage — including candidate profiles and other election news — visit our 2022 municipal election page by clicking here.
Hello everyone, 

My name is Jane Dunlop. I am a lifelong resident of what is now Severn Township and I am currently your Deputy Mayor. 

I am very pleased to be seeking re-election in that position. 

I’ve had 12 years experience on Township of Severn council - eight years as a councillor and four as your Deputy Mayor. I have actively worked at the municipal and provincial levels of government with my husband, Garfield Dunlop, and my daughter, Minister Jill Dunlop. 

I take the job as Deputy Mayor very seriously and for that reason I work very hard to respond to issues and to be a positive force on council and County Council. 

I want to make our township safer and with a more positive livable environment. 

Part of a more positive community is the beautification of our village and hamlets. I initiated the Township of Severn Villages and Hamlets committee and each year we levy a small amount of money that have purchased benches, flowers, banners etc. I fully intend to continue to expand that committee because it is a source of economic development. 

I also worked to create the Business Improvement Area (BIA) in Coldwater in 2009 and hope to create a BIA in the Washago and Westshore area in the future. 

I am extremely proud of the fact that as Deputy Mayor I have been able to work closely with the County through Simcoe County Tourism to secure thousands of dollars for community organizations.   

In the Washago area, I am most proud of the fact that I worked with the County of Simcoe and Township of Severn to have traffic lights installed at the corner of CR 169 and Muskoka St. The underground work is completed and we await the contractor to have all work completed by late fall. Having no traffic lights is a safety hazard and it’s imperative to have the lights. 

I have a lot more to say but our space is limited. 

My promise to you is hard work, honesty, transparency and someone who will continue to make the Township of Severn the envy of our promise. 

Thank you - Jane Dunlop 


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