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Shannon Lebert

Shannon Lebert

HCP/Corsana Medical Underwriter

Shannon has been working with HMA since 2014 and has had the opportunity to work within various roles. She thoroughly enjoys her current role as Medical Underwriter with the HCP & Corsana team. She works closely with the current plan members to ensure that they are accurately considered for the highest coverage available to them. She collects and discusses detailed information with the plan members to help them make the best decision for their families.

What are your hobbies and/or interests?
-Camping and cottage life
-Travelling with her family
-Visual arts and repurposing vintage finds

What do you think is the most important HMA Core Value?
All are very important and work together to create a wonderful working environment. If I were to choose one it would be caring. I truly care and empathize with what people go through and try to put myself in other people’s shoes without judgement.

Greatest Accomplishment
Working hard at creating a balance between family, friends and work. I take the time to live life with my family and friends, which helps inspire me professionally. I am blessed to have a fantastic home and work family.

HMA The Benefits People - John Atkinson (Advisor)

About HMA The Benefits People - John Atkinson (Advisor)

Real benefits for real people.