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LETTER: Carbon tax cancellation 'just smoke and mirrors'

'Prices and wages must be brought in balance again. That is the real solution,' says letter writer
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).

Cancelling the carbon tax is just smoke and mirrors. The oil companies, as always, will just raise the prices and take advantage.

The real issue is collusion in the oil industry. There is no competition, just patronizing. Our political leaders know this, but they are all addicted to taxation.

Until our political leaders listen to the people who elected them and work in their favour instead of that of big business, nothing will be solved. They are the reason our economy is broken and so many people are suffering.

We have all seen wage controls. We have never seen them implement price controls. Prices and wages must be brought in balance again. That is the real solution.

We need honest leaders who work for the majority.

Rick Lockman