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LETTER: Ignorance of reality fuels call for more gun laws

'We need to put the blame where it belongs and stop the catch-and-release legal system which gets violent criminals back on the street,' says letter writer

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a story related to a poll of readers on gun control laws, published Nov. 25.

Tell those who want more gun control what the gun laws currently are and you will see a huge reversal in results.

When the spring bear hunt closure created massive problems for cottage owners and local residents, people wanting to buy hunting style guns to protect themselves and their property or even ammunition for the ones they had were shocked to learn how strict the laws are and how much time, training and expense it would take to be able to do so.

Go into a sporting goods store without proper licensing and try to buy ammunition for Grandpa's .22 and you will be shocked at the results.

Ignorance of the reality is what fuels the call for more gun laws. We need to put the blame where it belongs and stop the catch-and-release legal system which gets violent criminals back on the street as quickly as possible.

Rod Kitchen
Severn Township