OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a story titled 'Ontario set to take steering wheel out of hands of convicted car thieves,' published May 15.
I think personally it is laughable that those who were quote unquote elected, think that a suspension will deter a criminal from repeating his or her offence.
There needs to be a very different approach to criminal activity of all kinds. From shoplifting to drug dealing, auto theft, sex trafficking, gang violence, and on and on.
Our legal system is broken, so much so that any offender today knows they will be back home, working on the next deal in no time at all.
Unless, of course, a person is a law-abiding person most of the time, then they will spread his or her name all over the news to make an example of them.
Do I have a solution? Not personally, but I think it's time we quit with the Band-Aid justice system, and dig down to the root of the problems.
One such root might be just how hard it is to make ends meet in the legal ways today in our province, so people are quite literally forced to do things they would not have considered if they were able to make a go of this life without breaking laws to do so ... just a thought.
Dave Lehman
Essa Township