OrilliaMatters has received the following letter from an angry student in Orillia sent to Simcoe North MPP Jill Dunlop about cuts to education.
Dear Ms. Dunlop:
Doug Ford wants to renovate a subway that I have only been on two times in my life. Billions upon billions of dollars for something that lots of Ontarians will barely use in their lifetime.
Horse racing has increased funding. But why? This activity does not even make enough revenue for it to be a worthwhile investment for our province.
Health care changes are going to cost billions to Ontarians in the long run; with privatization.
So where, as a province, are we getting this money?
That’s right, your party leader is taking it from my education. Something that I need to become the best that I can.
Today I was called down to my guidance office to hear, with a heavy heart, that one of my favourite courses was cut from my school.
Due to the nature of the course it cannot be taken online effectively.
I was extremely worried that this was going to happen. There has been a non-stop flow of students being called down to the guidance office, to be told that one or more of their classes has been cancelled.
Needless to say I had an idea of what I wanted to do for an alternative in case one of my classes was cut.
I get down to the office and we are shown a list of what classes are available. The list was pitiful!
The bare minimum of what a school should offer. My alternative was nowhere to be found. It was cut along with many of the other courses that were previously offered at my school.
I am now stuck with a class I never wanted, so that I can even think about applying to university.
It is absolutely disgraceful that adults are taking from children to fix their mistakes. I only get one shot at high school, this is my opportunity to get essential learning needed for my future to compete on a global scale.
If I was funding our province I would start by funding what matters: the leaders of the future, and their education.
Waiting for your reply.
A riled student,
Kellie Nicholson