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LETTER: Time for 'nuanced understanding' is long past

All hostages should be released, including the thousands of Palestinians held under 'administrative detention', says letter writer
Simcoe County 4 Palestine organized a vigil for Gaza downtown Orillia Saturday morning.

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to LETTER: 'One-sided vigils' not helping bring peace to Middle East published Oct. 13.

In his letter, the author decries the “completely one-sided" press release put out by Simcoe County 4 Palestine to advertise a vigil for Gaza in Orillia.  

Presumably, the press release would have been more palatable if it started with a condemnation of Hamas and an effusive affirmation of Israel’s “right to defend itself” as it bombs refugee camps and launches an expansionist war into Lebanon. 

A “one-sided vigil” is appropriate to commemorate a genocide and protest the actions of our government, which continues to support the perpetrator.

In the first two months of hostilities, Canada sold a record $28.5 million in weapons to Israel, in defiance of our obligations under domestic and international law. The motion passed by Canadian parliament in March 2024 only limits the approval of new permits, meaning existing contracts will remain in place, and Canadian-made weapons will continue to flow to Israel for the foreseeable future.  

All hostages should be released, including the thousands of Palestinians held under “administrative detention” by Israel. But simply calling for both sides to see each other’s humanity is not going to achieve this. Top Israeli officials have not shown any interest in this approach, labelling Palestinians as “human animals” and openly calling for their destruction.

Over 16,000 children have been killed, with many more buried under the rubble.

If this author truly wants to see peace, he should direct his criticism towards Israel, rather than equivocating and calling for a “nuanced understanding.”

Mac Chown