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Air cadet program provides 'excellent foundation' for careers

Program helps with variety of skills, including public speaking and discipline
Members of the 99 Lynx Air Cadet Squadron are shown in this file photo.

“Being a part of a squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets as a teenager provided me an excellent foundation for my career in aviation and with the Canadian Armed Forces … Taking part in the various activities and participating in summer training gave me the opportunity to develop skills and personality traits that are required and used every day in my present career — interpersonal skills, public speaking, reliability, discipline, and assertiveness,” says Lt.-Col. Maryse Carmichael (retired), first female commanding officer of 431 Snowbirds (Air Demonstration) Squadron.

Air cadets are under no obligation to join the Canadian Armed Forces and there is no cost to join, although certain provinces may require registration fees, while others may not. Regular training runs from September through to June and has one mandatory training night each Tuesday and some complementary training programs take place on weekends as well as local Remembrance Day parades and their annual Ceremonial Review.

99 Lynx Squadron conducts annual familiarization flying in gliders and a field aircrew survival weekend as well as music, drill team, model aircraft, sports teams — just to name a few.

By the time a cadet is in their fourth or fifth year they are eligible to apply for national-level courses and advanced training for those interested in obtaining a pilot licence in addition to international air cadet exchanges that could take them to countries around the world as ambassador cadets for Canada.

The cadet program is funded by the Department of National Defence in partnership with the Air Cadet League of Canada. The civilian sponsor is the local Royal Canadian Legion Branch 34 and the Army, Navy, Air Force Association Unit 400 of Orillia.

For more information about the local 99 Lynx Royal Canadian Air Cadets in Orillia check out their website at, or drop by the squadron on any Tuesday evening September to June at 6:30 p.m. at 105 Wyandotte St. or call the squadron orderly office at 705-326-9999 and an officer will return your call.



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