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'All I wish and pray for is a kidney and to one day feel normal'

Area girl 'struggles daily to try and live a normal life,' says mom, noting teen does dialysis nightly for 10 hours or more
Daleyn MacIsaac with her parents, Dale and Minerva, at one of last year's fundraisers for Daleyn. Dave Kramer for BradfordToday

Last year, people rallied to support Bradford teen Daleyn MacIsaac after being diagnosed with ANCA vasculitis, a rare autoimmune disease attacking her lungs and kidneys, with Stage 5 kidney failure. Now, the MacIsaac family is reaching out to the community again, this time looking for a kidney donor. 

The disease has caused a headache and financial strain for the entire MacIsaac family, with daily trips to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto for dialysis treatment, and overnight stays due to complications. 

To complicate matters even more, parents Dale and Minerva also suffer from their own health issues, and have a 10-year-old son with severe autism who requires much attention and support.

When Daleyn was diagnosed late last summer, the doctors told her she would likely need a kidney transplant. The time has now come for the family to start looking for potential donors.

Daleyn is not eligible for a transplant until December 2020 or January 2021, but would like to start the search process now. 

In order to be a donor, the following criteria must be met:

  • Must be 18-55 years of age 
  • Blood Type O
  • A healthy weight for their height
  • In good health without diabetes, cancer, kidney, heart disease and COVID-free
  • Only people who are in excellent physical and mental health are qualified to donate
  • Willing to freely donate

Benefits of being a kidney donor:

  • You can reimburse your mileage or other related expenses that you used during the application process
  • The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care established a fund to help reduce the financial stress incurred by living organ donation
  • The Program for Reimbursing Expenses of Living Organ Donors (PRELOD) is administered by Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN). PRELOD reimburses living organ donors for certain qualified out-of-pocket expenses and loss of income after surgery incurred through the living donation process. PRELOD aims to help reduce financial burdens that may prevent someone from deciding to become a living organ donor.

Minerva says she would love to donate her own kidney, but is unable to due to health reasons. 

"I am not qualified to donate my kidney. I'm not healthy and (neither is) my husband," she said.

She and Dale are doing everything they can to find someone who can help their daughter. 

"Daleyn struggles daily to try and live a normal life," said Minerva. "She often feels ill and is suffering to get her blood pressure under control," said Minerva.

Daleyn does her dialysis nightly for 10 hours or more and has very low energy and stamina which requires a lot of rest.  

She is in daily contact with Sick Kids regarding her fluid balance, fluid intake, weight and blood pressure. She tries her best to keep up with school work in between appintments and is looking forward to the day when her health resumes to normal with a kidney transplant.

"If Daleyn doesn’t receive a transplant she will continue to have dialysis which will continue to have a toll on her health and she will have to wait on the Sick Kids transplant list which can take up to one to three years," explained Minerva.

If it takes longer than three years to get one from the Sick Kids waitlist, she will have aged out of eligibility, and be moved to the adult waitlist, which can be a five to 10 year wait at minimum. 

The healing process after a kidney transplant lasts anywhere from three to six months. 

Daleyn says finding a donor would "mean the whole world" to her.

"It would not only be saving my life, but it would give me a normal life and to be able to enjoy going out with my friends and go swimming and not constantly feel sick and unwell and I would also be getting a chance to learn more and experience more of high school and not have to go to the hospital all the time," she said. 

"It would be a dream to get a kidney transplant and finally feel normal again and it would make all the changes I have faced worth it," said Daleyn. 

"Some people want money, expensive cars, luxury items but all I wish and pray for is a kidney and to one day feel normal and live without all the constant struggles that come with kidney failure," said Daleyn.

"By donating your kidney to me, you will not only be making my dreams come true but be saving my life so even just spreading the word and getting this (get around) will be such an amazing thing and I appreciate every single one of you, just taking the time to at least even read. This is amazing and it helps." 

Minerva is the owner of party and event decor and entertainment business, Minerva's Creations. She is willing to give the donor a 30 percent discount on all services and products for one year.

Anyone who is interested in being a donor can get in touch with Minerva by sending her an email at [email protected] or text at 647-205-4031


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Natasha Philpott

About the Author: Natasha Philpott

Natasha is the Editor for BradfordToday and InnisfilToday. She graduated from the Media Studies program at The University of Guelph-Humber. She lives in Bradford with her husband, two boys and two cats.
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