CFUW Orillia will welcome Dr. Jane Young as guest speaker at the April 26 General Meeting. Dr. Young will discuss the state of animal welfare in Canada and introduce the members to Women for Humane Canada, a group of like-minded women making positive change for animals in Canada.
Dr. Young states that “We are experiencing a very important and exciting time for animal welfare in Canada. We have never before witnessed such a growing demand from Canadians for positive change in the lives of domestic, farmed, and wild animals.” She continues with “There is recognition that non-human animals are sentient beings who are capable of love and emotion and deserving of a life free from cruelty.”
Although the 2021 election featured all major parties discussing animal welfare for the first time in history, much more work on animal welfare law is needed to protect animals in Canada.
Dr. Young was born and raised in Toronto but spent much of her working life in Prince George, B.C. as a botany professor at the University of Northern British Columbia. She holds a BSc (York University), MSc (University of Guelph), and PhD (University of Toronto).
She early retired in 2017 and moved back to Ontario with her husband, Dave, to fulfill her dream of helping animals. She is Chair of Women for Humane Canada and a member of the Canadian Violence Link Coalition.
She is passionate about raising awareness of the Violence Link to help both people and animals who experience domestic violence. She is also the current President of CFUW Muskoka and lives in Bracebridge with her husband and their puppy mill survivor, Pebbles.
CFUW Orillia offers amazing social connections, life-long learning opportunities, a commitment to advocacy, new friendships, and is dedicated to promoting education. Currently, we are gathering online until such time that we can meet in person again. Membership is offered to all women who believe in our goals and value lifelong learning. For more information, please refer to the website: