Cloud Gallery is proud to announce Tracy Bultje as the next artist to take the spotlight in the Collectors Corner series. Tracy Bultje has an incredible collection of new bold and vibrant landscapes that are being showcased in unison during this event.
Born and raised in Chatham, Ontario, Tracy Bultje draws her inspiration from the rural landscapes, waterways, marshlands, and rugged tree lines that surround her. Her artwork captures the rhythmic forms of nature, highlighting familiar scenes with an expressive approach that is uniquely her own. Her use of bold colours and patterns combine to capture the wild beauty of nature into a visual dialogue that resonates deeply with viewers.
“Tracy Bultje’s work is a perfect blend of energy, emotion, and nature,” said Mark Fletcher, Co-Founder of Cloud Gallery. "Her vibrant colour palette and expressive style brings the landscapes to life in a way that’s both striking and deeply moving.”
Cloud Gallery’s "Collectors Corner Series" spotlights artwork of one artist at a time, in a dedicated corner of their main gallery in Orillia. Visitors are offered an immersive experience into artists signature collections, allowing patrons to delve deeply into their unique styles, and techniques. Each edition of the series features a curated display from one of 35 distinguished Cloud Gallery artists from across Ontario.