The Simcoe County Suicide Awareness Council invite the public to the 7th Annual Memorial Bench and Tree Dedication on World Suicide Prevention Day.
This event includes music, speakers by members of the community, traditional Smudging and unveiling of this unique installation of Memorial Bench and Tree.
This is a free in-person gathering that offers a space to meet and connect with others who have had similar life experiences. It’s OK to talk about our feelings. Engaging in dialogue with compassion and curiosity will promote understanding, connection and can provide tremendous relief. Being a listener is the best intervention anyone can give.
Suicide is everyone’s business.
This day is observed each year to promote worldwide action to prevent suicides.
The World Health Organization statistics show in Canada 11 people die by suicide every day.
Date: Saturday Sept. 10, 2022
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: John Snake Memorial Community Multi-Purpose Grounds, 6030 Rama Road, Rama.
The council is very thankful to the Chippewas of Rama First Nation Band Council for acknowledging the tragedy of suicide and offering space to present this donation.
A livestream of the event will be broadcast on the Simcoe County Suicide Awareness Council Facebook page: