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UPDATE: Shania Twain show at Boots and Hearts will go on

Burl's Creek was evacuated for about 45 minutes, but spectators were allowed back in at 9:25 p.m.; Shania Twain expected to perform her headlining show
weather shuts down boots kevin lamb
The weather has taken a turn, forcing organizers to put Boots and Hearts on hold.


At 9:25 p.m., Boots and Hearts organizers announced that the soggy grounds at Burl's Creeks are re-opening, allowing people to return to the concert area.

It's expected tonight's headliner, Shania Twain, will hit the stage after all — albeit a bit later than originally planned.

The much-anticipated event-closing concert by Shania Twain tonight at Boots and Hearts is on hold.

Due to "severe incoming weather conditions," festival organizers temporarily evacuated the festival grounds at Burl's Creek at 8:45 p.m.

"Please seek shelter outside the grounds for your safety. We will provide further information as this situation develops," notes a Tweet from the festival's organizers.

The four-day festival has enjoyed exceptional, albeit hot and humid weather since it began Thursday evening.

Twain, a country icon, was slated to hit the stage tonight at about 9 p.m.

No other details are available at this time.



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