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Centre for Spiritual Growth opens at St. James' Anglican Church

Facility aims to be 'hospitable place to explore and experience spiritual growth'; Several fall workshops planned


St James’ Anglican Church is proud to announce a new venture at its downtown facility, The Centre for Spiritual Growth.

Our hope is that many who seek a deeper spiritual life will be helped through its presence. All are invited to participate in the programs or to come to the quiet space for spiritual renewal and refreshment. We hope to develop a library of books, CD’s and DVD’s that will be available to help one’s spiritual journey and quest.

The aim of the Centre for Spiritual Growth is to be a hospitable place to explore and experience spiritual growth through spiritual direction, experiential workshops, day retreats on various themes, and space for quiet reflection.

Wendy Passmore is the co-ordinator of the Centre for Spiritual Growth. She has a BA in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto and an MA in Ministry and Spirituality  from Regis College. Wendy’s  extensive work includes co-ordination of a storefront ministry, oversight of various community projects, leadership role in a retreat centre ministry which included spiritual direction for individuals and groups and facilitation of day and overnight retreats for all ages.

There are also two advisors: Rev Canon Elizabeth Morley, a retired Anglican priest who served many parishes in the Toronto diocese, and Faye Oei, a lawyer who has been on a spiritual quest for much of her life.

The Centre for Spiritual Growth is offering several fall programs.

On Saturday, Oct. 20 from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., the centre will host an Enneagram Workshop: An introduction and Refresher. Cynthia Stevens, a certified spiritual director, will lead the workshop.

The Enneagram has become many things to many people, but its roots are profoundly spiritual and are based on the studies of the Desert Fathers, the world’s first Christian monastics. At its core, the Enneagram addresses the question of how we fail to recognize the presence of Grace in our lives. It helps us see the psychological issues that cause us to forget the Divine Presence here in each moment. The suggested fee is $55 and includes materials and lunch.

On Saturday, Nov. 3 from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., the focus will be on Christian Mindfulness, which is, in simple terms, paying attention. It is noticing what you are doing, feeling and thinking at the time you are actually doing, feeling and thinking it. Because God is part of our everyday lives, paying attention to the divine and divine activity is a fundamental practice of Christian mindfulness. Former Jesuit priest Rev. Sandor Borbely will lead the workshop. The suggested fee for this day of learning and practice is $55 and includes materials and lunch.

The centre will host a Relationship Workshop Saturday, Nov. 17. Certified Imago therapists Greg and Selene Taylor will lead this workship and explain how talking is among the most dangerous things people do! And listening is the most infrequent. Safe Conversations help people talk without criticizing, listen without judgement and connect beyond their differences.

Come learn the Safe Conversations tools and processes and transform all of your relationships, everywhere. All are invited, no matter what your relationships status is. Bring a partner, friend, colleague or family member. Or come on your own. The Safe Conversations experience will enrich your life in more ways than you can imagine. The suggested fee is $40/person or $70/couple and includes workbook and lunch.

St. James’ Anglican Church is located at 58 Peter St. N. For more information about the Centre for Spiritual Growth, call 705-325-2742 or email: [email protected]



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