Best-selling author Tina Powell is coming to Ramara.
The well-known author will read one of her popular children’s books and share the inspiration behind her stories on Saturday, Aug. 11
At 10 a.m., Powell will, through fun, interactive games, help children discover the important role imagination plays in creating stories.
Participants will also learn about the parts of a story and the different roles of the author, illustrator, editor and publisher.
At 11 a.m., there will be a ‘Create your own Storybook’ session for kids aged 8 and older. During this part of the program, children will discover the author within and learn how to create their own storybook.
They will also learn the "dos and don’ts" of writing picture books and the five keys to descriptive writing in addition to how to illustrate, edit and publish a book.
Registration is required for this free program.
To register or for more information, call the Ramara Township Public Library at 705-325-5776 or visit the website: