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Christian Island begins to welcome back non-resident visitors

Beausoleil First Nation welcomes back non-resident members; cottagers will have to wait
This piece was created by a group of Beausoleil First Nation (BFN) students from Christian Island as well as other students enrolled at Georgian Bay District Secondary School. Contributed photo.

Beausoleil First Nation has updated its guidelines for members hoping to visit Christian Island.

“As of Friday April 1, all non-resident members will be welcomed back regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status," the update provided by chief and council reads with regards to COVID-19 restrictions and the community response plan.

“If you have been previously notified by chief and council and/or the Anishinabek Police Service that you are not permitted on Beausoleil First Nation territory because of on-going criminal activity, this will continue to be enforced," the notice says. "You will still not be permitted access to our territory.”

Regarding ferry guidelines, facial coverings will still be required on all public transportation such as the Indian Maiden and BFN Transit service until April 27.

The local health centre will continue to provide rapid testing kits upon request.

“The health centre will provide guidance to those who test positive and will follow up with the member directly. Once again, we ask that you adhere to and respect the rules that are in place at the health centre. Wear a mask at all times, hand sanitize and stay home if you are generally not feeling well.”

The previous guidelines do not apply to seasonal residents, however, with further information for those leasing land and hoping to return provided at a future date.

“The above-noted guidelines do not apply to our seasonal residents. Closer to the opening of the season, we will notify all lessees of the guidelines that may be in place at the time of their return. We thank you all for your continued patience during this trying time, please continue to be safe.”

Further information on news and activity in the Beausoleil First Nation can be found on the Chimnissing website.


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