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City road projects wrapping up on several fronts

Work on Centennial Drive and Coldwater Street is complete

Several significant reconstruction projects surrounding the downtown waterfront in Orillia have wrapped up construction for the season and roads have been reopened.

“The Centennial Drive area improvements project and the Laclie Street Phase 1 and Tecumseth Street reconstruction project are critical to improve major infrastructure, revitalize the area, and better connect the waterfront to our historic downtown,” said Mayor Don McIsaac. “On behalf of council, I would like to thank residents, businesses and visitors who were impacted during construction. We look forward to welcoming everyone to enjoy the beautiful parks and wonderful events at the waterfront once again.”

Centennial Drive area improvements project

The Centennial Drive area improvements project included three phases:

  • Phase 1: The reconstruction of Elgin Street from Front Street South to Cedar Island Road and the installation of a new sewage pumping station.
  • Phase 2: Realignment of Canice Street/Centennial Drive and the Mississaga Street East corridor; a new three-metre-wide pedestrian sidewalk; a three-metre-wide recreation trail; enhanced landscape features; and three new stormwater treatment structures to improve water quality entering Lake Couchiching.
  • Phase 3: The construction and opening of Coldwater Street from Front Street North to Centennial Drive.

Centennial Drive area improvements project update:

  • Phase 1:
    • Veterans’ Way, formerly The Esplanade, reopened on Friday, Dec. 8, 2023. The contractor continues to work on the sewage pump station commissioning. The remaining underground works on Elgin Street will be completed in spring 2024 once the new sewage pump station is operational.
    • Maintenance hole adjustments on Elgin Street and the final lift of surface asphalt on Cedar Island Road (including the resurfacing over the bridge that crosses the small creek) will take place in the spring of 2024.
  • Phases 2 and 3:
    • Centennial Drive and the new extension of Coldwater Street are now open.
    • Minor work is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2024, such as grass hydroseeding and addressing any deficiencies during the winter months.

The Centennial Drive area improvements project was identified in the 2012 Downtown Tomorrow Plan as a goal to better connect the downtown core to the waterfront and to provide for increased residential development in the downtown area. The budget for all three construction phases was $32.7 million.

Laclie Street reconstruction and Tecumseth Street reconstruction project

Phase 1 of the Laclie Street reconstruction project and Tecumseth Street reconstruction project included construction of local sanitary sewers, storm sewers and water mains, as well as construction of curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and asphalt paving on Laclie Street from Neywash Street to Borland Street East and Tecumseth Street from Laclie Street to Centennial Drive. The project budget was $8.6 million.

Laclie Street reconstruction (Phase 1) and Tecumseth Street reconstruction project update:

  • Laclie Street reopened to traffic on Friday, Dec. 8, 2023; however, Orillia Transit’s Laclie route will transition service from the temporary route on Matchedash Street back to the Laclie Street route beginning on Monday, Dec. 18, 2023 to provide time for bus stop sign reinstallation.
  • Works planned for spring 2024:
    • Removal of temporary asphalt sidewalks on Laclie Street and Tecumseth Street.
    • Permanent concrete sidewalks will be placed on both sides of Laclie Street from Brant Street to Borland Street and both sides of Tecumseth Street from Laclie Street to Centennial Drive.
    • Placement of sod.
    • Top course of surface asphalt.

Laclie Street will be reconstructed in four phases. The second phase is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2024 and will include reconstruction of Laclie Street from approximately 50 metres north of Borland Street East to Parkhurst Crescent. Reconstruction of Borland Street between Peter Street North and West Street North is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2024.

Future waterfront projects include the Centennial Park boat launch parking area reconstruction project, which is scheduled to begin in April of 2024 with anticipated completion for the summer boating season. The Terry Fox Circle is scheduled for reconstruction in 2025, subject to budget approval.

To learn more about major projects in Orillia, click here.



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