The City of Orillia bylaw banning smoking/vaping tobacco, cannabis and other substances outdoors on property owned or leased by the City is now in effect.
Residents and visitors are encouraged to visit for detailed information about the by-law including specific exemptions, enforcement, frequently asked questions and resources.
“This bylaw seeks to strike a balance between the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada and Orillia opting into its sale, with the desire of people to have access to smoke-free public spaces,” said Mayor Steve Clarke.
“Orillia is not the first municipality to introduce this type of bylaw and we are certainly focusing on educating the public as we begin enforcement. Together we can make Orillia a healthier, greener community.”
As per Chapter 954 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code, smoking/vaping tobacco, cannabis and other substances is prohibited in the following locations:
- All municipal properties;
- City parks, trails and beaches;
- Properties leased from the City;
- City parking lots;
- City docks and piers;
- On or within vehicles on City-owned or leased properties, including parking lots;
- On or within a boat located or moored on City-owned or leased property.
Council approved some specific and general exemptions to the smoking/vaping bylaw. The exemptions apply to a person that is:
- On a sidewalk located within the municipal road allowance as municipalities do not have any jurisdiction to regulate this area;
- Smoking/vaping while situated on a vessel containing sleeping, cooking, and toilet facilities that is moored within any City-owned or leased water lot;
- Smoking/vaping on a campsite within a park, provided the campsite has been approved by the City in conjunction with a special event;
- Entitled to possess cannabis for medical purposes and can provide the necessary documentation;
- The current designated smoking area at the City-owned Nordia property (2 Hunter Valley Rd.) and the Stephen Leacock Museum (50 Museum Dr.) during special events, subject to a smoking permit being issued by the City’s Parks, Recreation and Culture Department.
The City has hired a part-time Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officer to assist in enforcing the bylaw.
The City will also erect new signage, which complements a public education campaign that informs residents and visitors of the ban. These costs are being subsidized through provincial funding provided by the Ministry of Finance associated with the legalization of cannabis.