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Clearapathra reigns in Orillia sidewalk plow naming campaign

Other names suggested included Gordon Plowfoot, Scoop Dogg, Taylor Drift, The Snowtorious BIG
Downtown Orillia's Rick Elliott is shown with Clearapathra, the BIA's new sidewalk plow.

The Downtown Orillia Business Improvement Area (DOBIA) board of management is excited to announce the official results from the recent voting to name the new downtown sidewalk snow plow that was recently purchased by the DOBIA.

The winning name and clear favourite was Clearapathra, which has been officially adopted by the DOBIA board.

Earlier this month, the DOBIA started what we hoped was a fun Name That Plow campaign seeking potential names for the new sidewalk snow plow. The campaign received many witty and thoughtful name suggestions from the community. Once a final list was tabulated, people were asked to vote for their favourite. The DOBIA would like to thank everyone for both submitting names and voting for their favourite.

The top five results were as follows:

Clearapathra — 28 per cent
Gordon Plowfoot — 15 per cent
Scoop Dogg — 12 per cent
Taylor Drift — 10 per cent
The Snowtorious BIG — 10 per cent

“When we made the purchase of the new Kubota snow plow, we wanted to make sure that downtown businesses felt like it was collectively ours, so we came up with a campaign to allow people to name the plow. We hoped the community would have fun with it, too, and we’re happy to see that 101 people ended up voting and that there was a clear winner.” — Doug Cooper, Downtown Orillia BIA board chair



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