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Community Builders Awards: This year’s Arts award winner is known as a ‘bright light’ in Orillia

Leslie Fournier is the creator and driving force behind the much-loved public art initiative, Streets Alive Productions
Leslie Fournier is the Arts award winner for the 2024 OrilliaMatters Community Builders Awards

Leslie Fournier is an innovative leader in Orillia’s arts community. She is the creator and driving force behind the public art initiative Streets Alive Productions, which partners sponsors with talented local artists to create large sculptural pieces displayed downtown during the summer months. 

Her commitment to Streets Alive year after year brings artists and patrons together in an effort to beautify the city of Orillia. 

Through volunteerism and determination, Leslie rallies the artists, picks up the supplies and coordinates with city officials to have each project displayed. 

“Leslie is a bright light in the city of Orillia, always using her time and energy to help others,” said Nicole Goodman, a Streets Alive artist.

“I didn’t even realize I had been nominated. It’s a lovely surprise,” Leslie said when informed of her Community Builders Award win.

“What feels the best about my involvement in the arts in Orillia is how we've been able to grow the Streets Alive program. It’s been running seamlessly since 2010 and it’s been such a good partnership with so many people in the community,” shared Leslie.

Leslie has a vision for how she wants others to view Orillia and already has new ideas for her next project.

“I think a real opportunity in Orillia in the world of public art is to see large-scale murals around town. We have a few smaller-scale murals already, but I’d love to see an entire mural program. I’d want that to be the next public art that draws people to town,” she said. 

Leslie has been recognized for her work in the past as the recipient of the Nelle Carter Woman of the Year Award in 2013, Citizen of the Year Award and Business Woman of the Year Award, to name a few. 

“The idea of community building is really important to me and close to my heart. It’s the reason I love doing what I do,” Leslie added.

The Arts award goes to an individual or group that has helped make the artistic community stronger. They have championed an individual, an event, an idea, an ethic, or philosophy.

Congratulations, Leslie!

This award is proudly sponsored by Print and Signs (Georgian Bay Printers).



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