The hard work is over and now it’s show time.
More than 100 top students in Georgian College’s Design and Visual Arts (DVA) programs will showcase their work in its annual Scholarship Show from May 4 to 25. The grand opening takes place on Friday, May 4 at 7 p.m. in the Helen and Arch Brown Centre for Visual Arts at the Barrie campus. The building will then be open to visitors Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“As students, it’s an amazing opportunity to give back to Georgian and provide them with original designs that represent the college’s vibrant and positive atmosphere,” said Interior Decorating student Darcie Galbraith.
The visually stunning exhibit features the best work from students in all DVA programs, including:
- Art and Design Fundamentals
- Digital Video
- Fine Arts
- Goldsmithing and Silversmithing
- Graphic Design
- Graphic Design Production
- Hairstyling
- Honours Bachelor of Interior Design
- Interior Decorating
- Jewellery and Metals
- Kitchen and Bath Design
- Museum and Gallery Studies
- ·Photography
At stake is more than $30,000 in awards donated by industry partners. Experts in various industries will judge student work, with awards handed out on the opening night.
Everyone is welcome to attend the grand opening on May 4 or visit the show Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. until May 25.