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It was a glorious day for a hike in the woods

Ganaraska Club hikers don snowshoes and traipse through Amos Tract
2019-03-09 ganaraska spring hike
Members of the Orillia chapter of the Ganaraska Hiking Club took advantage of a beautiful, mild March moment Saturday and snowshoed through the Amos Tract, a patch of Simcoe County Forest just to the west of Orillia. Contributed photo

Members of the Orillia chapter of the Ganaraska Hiking Club took advantage of a beautiful, mild March moment Saturday and snowshoed through the Amos Tract, a patch of Simcoe County Forest just to the west of Orillia.  

The sun was warming both the hikers and the snow with the result that hikers stopped several times along the way to shed layers of clothing, and the snow started to clump under our snowshoes.

This is the time of year when there is so much sun reflection off the snow that sun screen is needed!

The Ganaraska Hiking Club welcomes new members.

Visit the website for further information about the club and its hikes.


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