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Local authors share 'deep thoughts' to combat mental health struggles

'We hope this is a book people can come back to if they are going through a certain event in their life,' says co-author of Deep Thoughts from The Shallow Pool
From left are Kevin Mitchell and Keith Shular, two local authors who are set to launch their new book at Williams Fresh Cafe in Barrie on Saturday, Dec. 14.

A new book from two local authors aims to help readers find solace and inspiration through the power of words.

Keith Shular and Kevin Mitchell, co-authors of Deep Thoughts from The Shallow Pool, each have countless years of experience working in the mental health sector.

Mitchell, 45, has worked for over 15 years with group home children and young adults with autism. He also works with homeless people in the Barrie area.

Shular, 49, works with people living with mental illness and addiction in the Orillia area. He has a variety of interests surrounding science, history, and music.

The two authors, who have both had their own mental health struggles, have developed a friendship through sending each other inspirational quotes and words of wisdom.

"We took a stab at writing some of our own poetry and decided maybe we should try to publish it," Shular explained. "It kind of took off from there."

The new book shares the duo's thoughts on mental health and where it's at in society today.

The book also encourages readers to step away from technology to read a collection of bite-sized, but meaningful, poems and quotes from some of history's greatest philosophers and poets.

The themes found in the book include self-reflection, loss and grief, love and relationships, inspiration, and hope.

"We're hoping that people come away from the book wanting to explore poetry a little bit more," Shular said. "We want people to become more self-aware. We hope this is a book people can come back to if they are going through a certain event in their life."

Mitchell and Shular hope their book will provide the spark needed for people of all ages to uplift their moods and to shine a light on issues around mental health.

"Even though this is written by two middle-aged males, we included female authors and different perspectives," Shular said. "We wanted this to be inclusive for everybody of all ages and backgrounds."

Deep Thoughts from The Shallow Pool is now available on Amazon.

To help with the publishing costs of the book, the authors launched a GoFundMe which has raised $1,360. Mitchell and Shular thank Downtown Dispensary Prescription Pharmacy for being a top sponsor. 

The authors donated 50 per cent of the funds raised for the book to the Sharing Place Food Centre, which was matched by Jim Wilson Chevrolet. They also donated $300 worth of food that was collected at Little Start 24-Hour Daycare in Barrie. 

For more information about Mitchell, Shular, and the book, click here.


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