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Local hikers brave elements, snowshoe through forest

Hardy group of hikers snowshoed through the Slessor Tract of the Simcoe County Forest off Burnside Line
4 hikers at _the tree_ in Slessor Tract
Despite the snow, these four hikers braved the elements Saturday and posed in front of their favourite tree in a tract of Simcoe County Forest off Burnside Line. Contributed photo

Today's storm put the boots to the Orillia Ganaraska Hiking Club’s plans to snowshoe/ski at the Bracebridge Resource Centre.

However, that didn't stop a group of hardy hikers who opted to move to Plan B. They headed out into the storm for a snowshoe trek through the local Slessor Tract of the Simcoe County Forest, off Burnside Line.  

The snowshoers even managed to pose in front of their favourite tree in the forest. This tree draws adornments from many walkers, and today it featured a poppy right in the “heart” of the tree.

The club welcomes hikers on any of its walks. Check our their website at


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