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Local hospice organizations team up to recruit volunteers

Hospice Orillia, Mariposa House Hospice holding virtual information sessions for prospective volunteers, starting Sept. 15
Volunteers with Mariposa House Hospice and Hospice Orillia are shown helping out during this year's Hike for Hospice.

Hospice Orillia and Mariposa House Hospice have once again joined forces. This time it is to benefit prospective volunteers.

The two local hospice organizations, both serving the Couchiching area, are working together to create a streamlined application and training process for those interested in becoming hospice volunteers.

When an individual decides to volunteer their time with a hospice organization, it is not a decision one makes lightly.

To make sure each person’s valuable time is spent wisely, and that there is a good fit for both the volunteer and the hospice, the new process developed by Hospice Orillia and Mariposa House Hospice will ensure volunteers have information about all volunteer opportunities across both organizations prior to selecting their preferred role.

From there, each volunteer trainee will be matched to one of the two organizations to proceed through the rest of the training and screening process. Once done, they will be eligible to move between roles in both organizations depending on changing needs, skills, and availability.

“Our goal is to ensure our community is provided with the best care and support possible. This includes the community of volunteers that selflessly supports both of our organizations, day in and day out. This is why we have chosen to collaborate with Mariposa House Hospice on the volunteer screening and training process. Together we can provide a streamlined process from the beginning for all prospective hospice volunteers,” stated Whitney Vowels, executive director, North Simcoe Muskoka Hospice Palliative Care Network.

As part of the process, Hospice Orillia and Mariposa House will host four information sessions throughout the year, with the first taking place on Sept. 15. The information sessions will run in a virtual format allowing members of the community to join from the comfort of their own home or office.

“The information sessions will provide prospective volunteers with the opportunity to hear from both Hospice Orillia and Mariposa House Hospice representatives and then make an informed decision about what role is the best fit,” shared Annalise Stenekes, executive director, Mariposa House Hospice.

“Once a volunteer completes the training, they may choose to take on a role at Hospice Orillia, at Mariposa House, or at both organizations. For example, they may end up providing direct support to a client in their own home through Hospice Orillia’s volunteer visitor services, and at the same time spend an hour per week in the garden or reception desk at Mariposa House.”

There is a position for everyone when it comes to helping out our local hospice organizations. Whether you like to cook, garden, play cards or have a knack for listening, there is something for you. The possibilities are endless for those who wish to help. All it takes is as little as one hour per week to be a hospice volunteer.

If you’d like to know more, be sure to register for one of the upcoming information sessions.

All hospice volunteer applicants are carefully screened and, if selected as a candidate, complete a training program that aligns with Hospice Palliative Care Ontario standards.

Each role has unique training requirements that are relevant to that position.

Volunteers who provide “direct service” (direct contact with clients) must complete the full hospice volunteer training program, which includes a combination of virtual and in-person learning. Our full training program for direct service hospice volunteers includes approximately eight to 10 hours of in-class facilitated learning combined with 15 to 20 hours of online learning through the Hospice Palliative Care Ontario hospice volunteer curriculum.

Volunteers who provide “organizational support” (no direct client contact) complete a condensed training/orientation program specific to their role. These volunteer roles are essential to our success including roles such as fundraising/events, board of directors, ambassadors (community awareness), admin support, gardening, and maintenance.

Staff at both organizations agree that collaborating on the volunteer screening and training process will help to ensure prospective volunteers have a well-rounded understanding of the opportunities that are available to support hospice care in our community and allow volunteers to move between roles more easily.

Volunteers support hospice organizations in many different ways and are integral members of the team. Hospices simply can’t exist without volunteers.

We are currently seeking applicants for the fall session. For more information, or to register for an upcoming information session, please visit or



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