The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has partnered with Georgian College, Orillia campus and launched a pilot program called ManUp.
The Georgian College ManUp team is undertaking the mission of establishing and maintaining a presence in their school while working towards social change in regards to the treatment of women in our community.
The Georgian College ManUp team with support of the OPP, introduced this program by holding a community information session today at the Georgian College Orillia campus.
The ManUp program is meant to redefine what it means to "be a man" from a toxic tough guy definition to one of standing up for what is right regardless of the situation.
It is dedicated to encouraging young men to stand up against violence against women, challenge inappropriate speech and behaviour from their peers and to set an example of appropriate behaviour for those around them.
As they move forward, the ManUp team will be reaching out to set up presentations throughout the Orillia Campus and other Georgian College campuses, Lakehead University, local sports teams, the local Police Services Boards and the Human Justice Regional Committee.
"As students we have been involved in many community initiatives here at Georgian College in the local community and the surrounding area. When the concept of a pilot project for the ManUp program was presented to us the whole philosophy resonated with us. We joined in to take a lead role in helping to get the word out about the program." - Darren Trafford, Georgian College Student.
"The OPP was excited by the idea of expanding the program into post-secondary schools, where students are often away from home for the first time and exposed to a party culture often conducive to acts of violence against women. This is a great example of community mobilization and engagement, as this is not a problem one organization can solve alone."
- OPP Staff Sergeant Julie Randall, Community Safety Services
About ManUp
ManUp was first started in 2015 at Longfields-Davidson High School by a group of young men who wanted to make a difference in how women in their communities are treated. The founders encourage other men to adopt and replicate their program to help make a meaningful impact within their own schools and communities. Georgian is the first college in Ontario to pilot the program.