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Orillia mother 'disheartened' by changes to West Ridge Park

'My kids really enjoyed it. It was a wonderful activity for them to do and now it's gone,' laments local mother about the new equipment at West Ridge Park
Andrea Oszoli regularly visits West Ridge Park with her two daughters, and says she is “disheartened” that the city removed the former two play structures at the park to install the structure pictured here.

A local mother is “disheartened” with changes to a west Orillia park she frequently visits with her two daughters.

The former play structures at West Ridge Park — which included slides, swings, monkey bars, and more — were recently replaced with a single play structure. 

A new seating area and shade structure are also coming to the park, which is set to be complete next spring. 

“In my opinion, the equipment that they replaced the old equipment there with, it's not even comparable — it’s like unusable,” said Andrea Oszoli, who goes to the park every week with her two toddlers.

“It's literally four ropes and like a balance beam type thing,” she said. “It was really disheartening (to see).”

Oszoli said the park was a “great resource” for her family, as they would often walk the nearby trail and play at the park before heading to the grocery store.

“As a parent, it's difficult to afford all of the activities that you want to provide for your children, and this park was a great resource,” she said. “It was shaded in the summer, and it was very usable (and) my kids really enjoyed it. It was a wonderful activity for them to do and now it's gone.”

While Oszoli said she understands that aging parks need to have their equipment updated, she hopes to see the city add more play opportunities to West Ridge Park beyond what’s currently installed. 

John McMullen, the city’s manager of parks planning and development, said the old equipment at West Ridge Park had reached the end of its maintainable lifespan.

The new equipment comes as part of an approved capital project, he said. 

“The playground equipment at West Ridge Park had reached the end of its maintainable lifespan and was removed, including two play structures,” McMullen said in a statement to OrilliaMatters. “The updated equipment includes a playground structure for children ages 5 to 12 and a seating area for people of all ages.”

McMullen said work began to replace the play structures this fall, and that the park should be complete next spring. 

The playground is not yet open for public use.

The new design was based on available equipment and creating a more inclusive space, McMullen said. 

“The updated park design was based on play equipment availability in the area and is intended to provide an inclusive space, and provides a seating area for people of all ages including children, adults, seniors, and the growing student population in this area of the city,” he said. 

The city’s Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan states that the service radius of a city park is 400 metres, and McMullen noted that Clayt French Park is within 400 metres of West Ridge Park via the nearby walking trail. 

“Clayt French Park provides a public washroom plus junior play equipment for children ages 18 months to 4 years and serves this area of the city,” he said. 

“Since West Ridge Park was first developed, new larger parks provide a variety of play opportunities in this area,” he said. “Together Clayt French Park, Walter Henry Park, West Ridge Park, West Orillia Sports Complex, Scout Valley and several city woodlots with walking trails serve the recreational needs of this area.”


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