A local car dealership is hoping to motor down the street later this year.
Orillia Volkswagen, owned by the Leavens family, which also operates VW, Audi and Porsche stores in southwestern Ontario, is looking to build a new dealership at the corner of Bond Street and West Street South, a few blocks away from its current home at 345 West St. S.
The property in question at 460 West St. S. is about 4.9 acres in size; the new dealership would be positioned on the north half of the parcel of land, while the southern portion would remain undisturbed, said Josh Morgan, of Morgan Planning and Development.
But before work can begin, Morgan is petitioning the city to amend its zoning bylaw to permit the Volkswagen dealership.
“The applications propose to add a ‘motor vehicle sales establishment’ and a ‘motor vehicle repair shop’ to the list of currently permitted uses, thereby permitting the construction of a new Orillia Volkswagen dealership,” Morgan explained.
Uses currently permitted on the property include: building supply outlet, commercial school, child care centre, drive-through service facility, dry cleaning depot, financial institution, fitness centre, garden and nursery supply outlet, hotel, motel, medical clinic, place of worship, recreational establishment, restaurant, retail outlet, retail store, apartment building and townhouse development.
“We are in the process of communicating with neighbourhood residents and business owners to ensure that the project is developed compatibly with all adjacent uses,” said Morgan.
A public meeting, as mandated by the provincial Planning Act, will be held Jan. 21 at 4:30 p.m. in the council chamber at the Orillia City Centre. All are welcome to hear more about the proposal and to provide feedback, comments or concerns.
“If the applications are approved by council, the detailed civil engineering design, landscaping plan, site plan, traffic study, and lighting plan will be submitted via the site plan approval process,” said Morgan.
“No building permit could be issued by the city until a Site Plan Agreement has been executed.”
For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights and for additional information and material relating to the proposal, you can contact Jeff Duggan at 705-325-2171 or [email protected], or Susan Votour at 705-325-7471 or [email protected] or visit the Development Services and Engineering Department, Orillia City Centre, third Floor, 50 Andrew St. S. during normal business hours.