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OrilliaMatters, readers and local businesses raise over $6,500 for the Sharing Place

Thanks to your contributions, we’ve helped fill the shelves at our local food bank this holiday season

In response to rising food costs and the increased use of food banks during the COVID-19 pandemic, last week, we asked you, our loyal readers, to help us support the Sharing Place Food Centre with an online food drive.

The holidays can be a particularly stressful time for all of us, but especially for those in need. The added strain on our local food bank means it needs extra support from caring community members to ensure that no one in our city goes without.

With this in mind, OrilliaMatters embarked on a campaign to raise much-needed funds for our local food bank.

The campaign was simple. We purchased gift cards and put them up for sale at $25 apiece through our online pop-up store, to be donated to the local food bank.

OrilliaMatters would then match the $25 purchase price to double the donation. 

But that’s not all. 

We were able to leverage the power of our community to make the donations even bigger by asking our local business partners to match our donation. 

Thanks to the following businesses who have joined us in matching each donation: Aknor Construction, Autoflex Sales & Leasing Ltd., CrossFit Orillia, FM Recycling, Happy at Home Support Services Inc., IPC Investment Corporation Ted Burton Team, Jack Latimer, Joe Watt’s Trophies, Lake Country Physiotherapy, Mark Goode - Mortgage Man, Northern Business Development, Orser Technical Services, Remedium, Rockwater Wealth Management, Ron Johnston Insurance, Roy Micks Remax and Sunshine Super Wash.

With their support and yours, for each gift card purchased in our pop-up store, every dollar was matched seven times with all proceeds going directly to the Sharing Place.

In Orillia, the generosity of our readers and advertisers was translated into a donation of $6,750 for the food bank.

On average, the Sharing Place says it can feed a family of four for six days with $200.

Packages include meat/alternatives to meat, milk, eggs, fresh produce, dry/canned goods, coffee/tea, hygiene products, pet food, additional bonus items such as spices and mixes depending on availability and four pre-cooked meals through its Meals-4-Change program.

Our $6,750 donation will allow for the Sharing Place to feed over 30 families this holiday season.

Thank you for helping us to strengthen our community and make the holiday season a bit brighter here in Orillia.

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