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Orillia's Book Re-View is 'permanently' closing its doors

Store has been open since Nov. 1, 1991; 'Over the years you have put your heart and soul into your store. I’m so sorry to see it go,' customer laments
book review storefront
The Book Re-View, on West Street North, is closing permanently after serving local readers for almost 30 years. Contributed photo

A long-time local used book store is entering its final chapter. And the Book Re-View’s last plot twist involves “great sadness.”

After almost three decades, the used book store on West Street North will soon be closing permanently.

“I have shared many happy times with so many wonderful people throughout the years,” said owner Carol Montgomery in a Facebook post announcing the closure.

Montgomery opened her store Nov. 1, 1991. She has built a loyal following among book fans who loved to drop in and browse the shelves.

While the pandemic forced her to close the store temporarily, it's not the reason she's closing permanently. "It's more like the straw that broke the camel's back," she told OrilliaMatters.

"I will be turning 64 this year," said Montgomery. "Running this bookstore has meant so much to me, but in order to make enough to stay in business, you really have to run it yourself. 

"In other words, you need to spend at least five days a week here along with some part-time help," said Montgomery. "It is also a very physical job. Lifting, sorting, cleaning and filing boxes of books is great exercise but not the type of thing I can do five or six days a week any longer."

She estimates there are more than 40,000 books in the well-stocked bookstore.

Montgomery said the store will likely close by the end of June, but she's holding out hope someone might want to purchase it.

She said "it's still a viable business" and more than one person has expressed interest.

Meanwhile, rabid readers have been expressing sadness at the store's likely closure. 

“I've so enjoyed browsing in your store over the years and saying hello to all the kitties,” Laurie Davis Brewer commented on the store’s Facebook page.

“Thank you for your knowledge and love of books and for taking the time to always help pick out a new favourite.”

Lynn Patterson thanked Montgomery for keeping the bookstore alive for 29 years.

“Over the years you have put your heart and soul into your store. I’m so sorry to see it go,” said Patterson.

Montgomery admits it was a difficult decision, saying she has “very mixed emotions” but feels “it’s the right time.”

Montgomery is no longer accepting any new books for re-sale and says all books in stock are now 50% off.

In addition, she vows to honour customers’ loyalty cards. For details, check the store’s Facebook page.

After shutting down when the pandemic hit, she now plans to re-open Wednesday at 10 a.m. but due to physical distancing regulations, she is asking people to book an appointment.

“It will ensure that you will not be waiting to get into the store. Drop-ins will be welcomed as long as we have availability.”

She also encourages customers to wear masks and gloves in the store, located at 438 West St. N.

For more information, visit their Facebook Page or call 705-327-2579.


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Dave Dawson

About the Author: Dave Dawson

Dave Dawson is community editor of
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