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PART 6: Is the mayor seeking re-election? Which councillors are running again?

We wrap up our six-part series of questions to municipal politicians by asking each about their intentions for the upcoming 2022 election
2018-12-03 council inaugurated
Orillia’s city council for 2018-2022 was inaugurated in December of 2018. In the final part of our series, we ask each if they will seek re-election in 2022. Dave Dawson/OrilliaMatters File Photo

Orillia's City Council, elected in November of 2018, is entering the final year of its four-year mandate. The next municipal election, slated for Oct. 24, 2022, is just one year away.

With that in mind, we canvassed Mayor Steve Clarke and all eight city councillors to answer six key questions heading into the home stretch of their tenure. They were given a limit of 150-words per response. Their responses are published verbatim

Their responses are published verbatim. Click here to read their answers to our first question. Click here to read their answers to our second question, here for answers to the third question, here for answers to our fourth question and here for answers to the fifth question.

Do you intend to run again? Why or why not?

Orillia Mayor Steve Clarke

As much as having this job has been an honour and a privilege and make no mistake - it has been just that, I have not yet decided whether I will run again or not.

David Campbell (Ward 1)

Yes, I intend to run again. There are a lot of projects that we have started during this term that I would like to see through to completion. But it’s more than that.

In 2018, I said that I had worked in the municipal world for many years, ‘knew how things worked’ and would ‘hit the ground running’. Well, there was a much steeper learning curve than I had anticipated. I took courses, did a tremendous amount of studying and have continued to learn over the last three years.

This is not an easy job. You are asked to make decisions on things that, sometimes, you know very little about. You HAVE to be constantly learning and researching. Yes, it’s challenging. But when you are tasked with making decisions that directly affect people’s lives, it shouldn’t be easy. I look forward to the challenges the coming years will bring.

Ted Emond (Ward 1)

Eight years is a long time to maintain the passion and drive to be an effective councillor. I’m hesitant to commit to another four years. But we’ll see.

Ralph Cipolla (Ward 2)

Yes, I want to finish some of the projects I am passionate about. I feel that COVID-19 put us behind and I want to see them be completed. I also want to help build our community back after the effects of COVID-19.  

Rob Kloostra (Ward 2)

I have thoroughly enjoyed my two terms on council and I feel I have more to give. Many supporters have come forward asking me to run for Mayor. I am currently exploring that option.

Mason Ainsworth (Ward 3)

At this time, I am focusing on finishing this term of council and our upcoming budget deliberations. I will make my decision at some point next year and will make sure to let you know one way or the other.

Jay Fallis (Ward 3)

I would give a similar answer to last year’s question:

I’ve had a really wonderful experience so far serving as a city councillor. It’s not always been easy and there have, of course, been some challenging moments. However, overall the experience has been a positive one. While in this role, I’ve learned a lot, and had the opportunity to give back to the community that I love.

I am certainly planning on running again.

Pat Hehn (Ward 4)

This is a question you will need to ask me in another six or seven months. It really depends on the day as to how I answer it. It will depend on whether I think I can do the job well for another four years. It will also depend on family considerations.

Although I really enjoy all my fellow councillors, I was disappointed that I was the only woman on council. I often find that I give a different perspective to a matter so I really feel it is important to have that representation on our council. 

I can remember that during one of my mother’s terms there were actually three women on council, wouldn’t that be lovely! (My mother, Myrtle Bowlen was an alderman during the ‘70s and ‘80s with Pat McIsaac and Cathy Hall. During part of that time Pat McIsaac served as Mayor.)

Tim Lauer (Ward 4)

This will be a game-time decision, but am hopeful that I will be able to run. There are projects I would like to see through to the end – Waterfront, Climate Action Plan – as well as social service issues I would like the opportunity to address further. I also continue to believe that we are not keeping up in regards to infrastructure. Despite past efforts we are, in my opinion, falling behind with our roads and sidewalk programs as well as general maintenance.

The problem needs an aggressive plan, human resources and a creative funding strategy I would like to help develop.


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