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POLL: 84% of readers say they're avoiding U.S. goods

Since Donald Trump's threats to annex Canada and impose tariffs on us began in January, many Canadians have at least tried to move toward boycotting U.S.-made goods. Some 84 per cent of readers say they are making the effort
Groceries Flyers
Most readers in a re

Since Donald Trump's threats to annex Canada and impose tariffs on us began in January, many Canadians have at least tried to move toward boycotting U.S.-made goods. 

It seems to restore a sense of agency to a situation where we seem to have little (although cross-border trade is so integrated that it can be hard to call some products clearly American or Canadian.)

Overall, 84 per cent of readers said they were less willing to buy U.S. products than they would have been before the cross-border friction started. 

Women are more behind a boycott than men:

Those over 60 are more supportive:

Support is fairly consistent across income groups, except for the highest-income one. This seems like the reverse of what we might expect, since any consumer boycott offers the possibility of at least some financial sacrifice.

Liberal, Green and NDP voters are a consistent bloc, with the PPC on the other end and Conservatives somewhere in the middle. Notably, though, over two-thirds of Conservatives say they're boycotting U.S. goods.

There is a very strong connection to whether readers see the U.S. as an ally:

There is also a connection to views of Mark Carney, to the extent that all groups except those who view him very unfavourably tend to support a boycott.

There is a partisan connection to views about cannabis legalization, gun control and the Emergencies Act:



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Longtime2 Verified

Good news...keep at it!! We are finding out that so many Canadian products are cheaper, and of superior quality. For so long we bought US good out of habit.


Except for gas milk and beer!


as they remove inter provincial barriers the selection will get greater and greater at your local store . Many brands have not left their home province before this trade war began .

Lonely Journalist

Polls are completely made up

Roll The Bones

Ok I’ll bite. What’s makes you think that?

CiaoCiao Verified

many 'president's choice' food products are from USA. I was unaware of that until all this happened.

Soojavu Verified

Has any news organization checked to see what effect all this is having on the BIG and LITTLE stores in Soo Mich? It would be interesting to see some stats.

ankatea Verified

No, only other border towns so far..


the border towns are hurting on both sides of the US/Can border


I read every label. I will buy products mainly from Canada but will also support Mexico and other countries. I'm not giving a dime to American companies anymore until Trump stops acting like an entitled child and gets rid of the tariffs.

Bill Bill

Not taking part in yet another Liberal campaign stunt. As soon s China put a 100% tariff on Canadian goods and all the same people that were only too happy to grab their little flags and rally against the big bad Orange Man, never said a peep. Hypocrites.
Glad to see you are all rah rah with the Liberals that put us into this position.


this trade war is 100% trumps fault. it was started in his first term of office . Perhaps it escaped many people attention but then it continued through the tariffs places on Canadian goods by Biden only to be ramped up in Trumps 2nd term of office . Without Trump this wouldn't be happening .

ankatea Verified

Trumps first trade war lasted 2 hours, since he crashed the stock market and stopped it.

This time around he's crashing the American markets, and he has his sycophants telling Republicans it's a good thing.

The only difference is he got the USMCA out of it last time, and now he doesn't know who would sign such horrible trade deals.. 🤔

Allan Berry Verified

The right wing ideologues appear to be more egoistic and less altruistic than most, in terms of supporting Canada. I began my own personal, anti-American boycott back in November of 2016, the first time that congenital chiseler was elected.


I started when Michelle was president. Her first term.

Royal City Rabble Rouser

Shopping local - 100 "mile" eating - is always a best practice. It's better for your neighbours, better for your community, better for your planet.

The US notwithstanding, we need to ask ourselves: "Do I really need that 'thing' that's in America or China today on my doorstep tomorrow? What are the consequences of such consumerism? Is there really no local alternative?"

Lizzy M

I've avoided Chinese products for a while now as often as I can, now USA products as well. I've started buying from local farms and definitely started being more aware of local goods to support our community and country as much as I can.

Another Joe

local radio has Fedeli endorsing native gas station ... which do not pay the taxes we all depend on for our country to run.


And even across irs still 28 cents per liter cheaper than indigenous gas

Mimi Bobo

Impossible to eliminate but we can all reduce!!

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