Luke Anderson, co-founder of StopGap Foundation and a Rick Hansen Ambassador, was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Orillia chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW).
After sustaining a spinal cord injury in 2002, Anderson was suddenly introduced to a world that's not well suited for a wheelchair user. His frustration encountering access barriers led him to co-found the StopGap Foundation, which raises awareness about the importance of a barrier-free and inclusive society.
In addition to raising awareness, the StopGap Foundation’s brightly coloured ramps are available to local businesses to close the gap that exists between sidewalks and elevated storefronts.
Luke shared with CFUW information about a new change initiative from the Forward Movement group to start healthy dialogue about disability and accessibility issues.
The Forward Movement group is moving from the international symbol of access, also known as the (International) wheelchair symbol, which consists of a blue square with a stylized image of a person in a wheelchair to the new dynamic symbol for access.
The dynamic symbol is an improvement to the old in major ways: (i) the person in the new image is more defined than the one in the old image, and (ii) the new image shows movement, a symbolic action that emphasizes differing abilities, and this reframes the way society views and interacts with persons with a disability.
The change in symbol has also served as a medium to have conversations about accessibility and disability rights in the province.
The new symbol has been adopted by several municipalities and corporations across Ontario.
You can find out more about this new symbol at and about the StopGap foundation at
The Canadian Federation of University Women – Orillia was established in 1955 as a non-profit organization that is active in public affairs, working to raise the social, economic and legal status of women as well as to improve education, the environment, and human rights.
CFUW raises funds through its annual Homes Tour to provide post-secondary scholarships to female graduates of Orillia high schools, including the Learning Centre. Through its many interest groups, members develop new skills and friendships.
Membership is offered to all women who believe in our goals and value lifelong learning.
For more information visit the CFUW Orillia website