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Travel photography focus of next Orillia Camera Club meeting

Equipment, tips, techniques, ideas, composition and other elements will be discussed to take your travel photography from 'snapshot to something special'
At this week's Orillia and District Camera Club meeting, the focus will be on winter photography and travel photography. This photo was taken of a first-time visitor to Algonquin Park.

The Orillia and District Camera Club will be meeting on Wednesday, March 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Orillia Recreation Centre, 255 West St. S.

In addition to the usual slideshow of members' three favourite photos from the past month, we will be looking at and discussing photos in the monthly challenge.

This month's theme is winter. We certainly have had a lot of that this year, so we have embraced it and tried to portray it's beauty and interest photographically. 

Our meeting will feature Vicki Sherwood presenting on travel photography.  

Vicki and her husband Bill, who have been members of our club for many years, have travelled extensively around the world and have lived in Scotland and Germany as well as Canada.

Vicki will share thoughts on equipment, tips, techniques, ideas, composition and other elements that take your travel photography from snapshot to something special and unique.  

We hope you will join us. If you are not presently a club member, you can attend this meeting for a contribution of only $5 per person.

You may want to join the club or renew your membership at $35 per person and $60 per couple.  



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