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VIDEO: Orillia mayor urges vigilance to help prevent third wave

'The next few weeks are critical and we must remain vigilant and follow the public health protocols in order to prevent a third wave,' says Steve Clarke

Orillia Mayor Steve Clarke is worried about a third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic - especially in light of the emergence of the highly-contagious variant that proved lethal in the recent outbreak at a long-term care home in Barrie.

That's why, he stressed, the city is taking a "very measured and conscientious approach" to reopening civic facilities.

"Reopening does not mean relaxing. Variants of the COVID-19 virus are here in Simcoe-Muskoka," said the mayor in a video message to citizens. "These variants are highly contagious and can spread very, very easy."

Now is not the time to let up, he said.

"The next few weeks are critical and we must remain vigilant and follow the public health protocols in order to prevent a third wave."

The mayor said the city is "excited to provide a safe return to recreation and fitness for local citizens and user groups very soon," noting a phased reopening is planned.

The goal, he said, is to have Rotary Place re-opened on Feb. 24 for user groups. It's anticipated the Orillia Recreation Centre will reopen to the public for pre-registered drop-in programming March 1. You can register, starting Feb. 24, here.

On Saturday, the Orillia Farmers' Market returns to the Orillia Public Library for in-person shopping from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. However, the virtual market and online shopping will remain available for those who prefer to shop online.

The mayor said Orillians deserve a "huge thanks" for following public health protocols in an effort to keep the virus at bay.

"I know that we are all excited to get back to some normality, but we have to do it responsibly," he said, urging citizens to stay at home when possible, stressing it remains "the best way" to protect yourself and others.

The mayor believes there is hope on the horizon.

"We are seeing light at the end of the tunnel," said Clarke, noting more than 28,000 doses of the COVID vaccine have been distributed in Simcoe Muskoka with more than 12,000 people receiving both required doses of the vaccine.

He also said "work is well underway" for a mass vaccination centre "in our area that could open as early as March 1."

To hear the entire message, click on the link above.



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