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Look who's been named January's Skater of the Month!

Chloe Ainsworth, 10, skates three days a week, plays soccer in the summer and enjoys arts and crafts
2020-02-04 skater of the month
Chloe Ainsworth, 10, has been named the Orillia Figure Skating Club's skater of the month for January. Contributed photo

Chloe Ainsworth has been recognized as January's Skater of the Month.

Chloe Ainsworth is 10 years old and skates on the Bronze session. She is currently working on her Star 4 skills, Star 2 free skate and Swing Dance. 

The youngster skates three days a week and also does competitive skating.

Chloe plays soccer in the summer months and really enjoys doing arts and crafts. Chloe loves to read and is a lunch helper at school.

Chloe recently completed her at home first aid course and really enjoyed it. Chloe is easy to get along with and a great addition to the club!

Chloe is coached by Marisa Forrest.

Please visit our website for more information. Please follow us on Facebook for updates and our latest news @orilliafigureskatingclub



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