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Orillia Tennis Club serves up recognition for volunteer

Joe Sheik presented with Bruce Childs Award for helping modernize club's membership system
Joe Sheik, left, received the Bruce Childs Award from Orillia Tennis Club president Kevin Smith.

Community sports run on the backs of their dedicated volunteers and tennis in Orillia is no different.

As part of the Ontario Tennis Association, your Orillia Tennis Club members have an opportunity of being recognized for their contributions to their community and to tennis in their specific region.

The Bruce Childs Award is a provincial recognition awarded to those local volunteers who have made a significant and important contribution to tennis within their community. Your Orillia Tennis Club is proud to ring in the new year of 2025 with the newest addition to our Bruce Childs recognition page on the Orillia Tennis Club website. Our pride in our award winners can be found here.

This site is a permanent addition to our website as it not only reflects our club’s founders but will also host new inductees as volunteers continue to make important contributions to tennis in our community. The latest such inductee is Joe Sheik.

Joe started and has been our webmaster since we launched our site in 2015. Since that time, he has helped spearhead the modernization of our membership process introducing our club to its current online membership and booking system. To read more about Joe’s contributions and the many other Orillia Tennis Club Bruce Childs Award winners head to our site at

In 2025, the expansion of the club’s tennis lessons, expanded programming for members, intercounty competitions and expanded junior lessons and programming all point to the healthy growth of your tennis club in Orillia, growth that is a direct result of the work of our volunteers. From that growth it’s easy to see that more members like Joe will be nominated for the coveted Bruce Childs Award in the future.

Joining tennis is a healthy way to ring in the new year and as you can see from your Orillia Tennis Club, healthy volunteerism has its own rewards as well. As part of your new year’s resolutions to be healthier and more involved in your community, consider volunteering your time and talents to helping the Orillia Tennis Club. We need volunteers from everything from social media, website management, graphic art, event co-ordination, and fundraising. Contact Mark Cohen, president of the Orillia Tennis Club, at [email protected] and consider your new year’s resolution of volunteering with the Orillia Tennis Club today.



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