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Still time to serve up some summer fun with Orillia Tennis Club

Looking for summer recreation? Looking to learn a new sport?
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Looking for summer recreation? Looking to learn a new sport? Looking to enjoy a summer of socializing and reconnecting? 

Well, the Orillia Tennis Club has just the thing for you – play tennis!

Summer programming is about to begin so there is still time to fill your summer with fun and activity.

Adult lessons, weekly ladder league, and exclusive rights to the courts for evening and weekend play are all available through club membership. 

Parents, are you looking for a new activity for your child? Are the camps full and you don’t know where to turn?

The Orillia Tennis Club runs evening lessons for junior players ages 4 all the way up to 15 with age appropriate groupings available.

You can join the club by signing up in our online player portal.  Go to the left side of the screen and purchase a membership today.  You can even pay your membership through e-transfer.

But wait, there is still more! You can sign up for semi-private and private lessons as well. Go into your newly created online player portal and under the Register for Lessons heading click on “Book A Private Lesson” and directly email the coach of your choice. All coaches and their email addresses are right there. 

Sign up today to avoid disappointment tomorrow. Become a member of your Orillia Tennis Club now and start summer off serving up fun.

The club offers single and family rates, junior lessons with a club pro, social tennis, tournaments and club events, competitive ladder leagues, open court times, coaching opportunities, free clinics and OTA membership.

The Orillia Tennis Club is located at 100 University Ave.

Learn more at or email [email protected]



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