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Terriers announce their pre-season schedule

Local Provincial Jr. Hockey League team will play two road games and compete at Alliston tournament prior to start of regular season
2019-02-17 dallyn Telford
Orillia Terriers head coach Dallyn Telford makes a point on the bench during playoff action against Penetang. The Terriers open their exhibition season Aug. 23. Tyler Evans/OrilliaMatters

The Provincial Junior Hockey League's (PJHL) Orillia Terriers have announced their 2019 pre-season schedule.

In preparation for the upcoming regular season, the team will be playing a pair of exhibition games.

Orillia will hit the ice for the first time this year on Friday, Aug. 23 when they travel to Apsley to take on the North Kawartha Knights for a 7:30 p.m. contest against the team from the PJHL's Orr Division.

The next night, the Terriers will hit the road again for a 8 p.m. contest in Midland against the Flyers. The two North Carruthers Division rivals will face each other six times during the 2019-2020 regular season.

Once again this year, the Terriers will be heading back to the annual Alliston Hornets Pre-Season Tournament, which will be held in September.

The Terriers won the tournament last season and are looking to defend their crown this season.


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