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COLUMN: Travel in the COVID era anything but smooth sailing

From darting to the airport on a snowy highway to room service in Mexico and everything in between, getting there isn't always half the fun
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Travel at the best of times can be stressful, depending on how many obstacles or challenges you face along the way.

But as I was to find out, travel during a worldwide pandemic is in a whole other class of crazy.

For myself and other snowbirds, I feel that isolating in a warm climate is better than facing a cold Canadian winter. Especially with cases rising at an alarming rate in Barrie.

Although I did receive pushback from some people as to the advisability of travelling during a pandemic and genuine concern from others, I felt the risk of going to Mexico would far outweigh the benefits.

I chose Aeromexico as my airline, partly because I have always liked their service and safety record, and partly because friends had been reporting numerous cancellations from Canadian airlines Air Canada and WestJet. I also figured that since Aeromexico is Mexican-owned and -operated, who better to get me to my winter home.

I took the shuttle to the closest airport in Toronto from my home in Barrie, roughly 100 kilometres away, at the ungodly hour of 4:30 a.m. Luckily, Highway 400 was completely devoid of snow and it was a straight shot to the airport an hour away.

By the time the snowstorm predicted to hit later in the day showed up, I would be long gone. Or so I thought.

The airport itself was fairly quiet and in less than an hour I had passed through check in and security. Boarding, too, was right on time, but it was a full plane which concerned me as I was under the impression that middle seats were left open. However, (except for a family who could not seem to get the concept of mask over both nose and mouth), people complied with the rules.

Armed with hand sanitizer, fresh masks, a shield, and wipes, I did my best to relax as we taxied away from the terminal with the vision that in few hours, I would be nice and warm. Ah, the best laid plans.

We sat on the tarmac for 20 minutes when the pilot announced the need to return to the gate – it appeared a red engine light was the culprit. My seat companions and I remarked that at least they found an issue while we were still on the ground and not cruising at 36,000 feet.

With as much patience as we could, we waited, with 15-minute updates from the pilot as to what was going on. At about the hour mark, I started to get a little anxious.

Normally, a flight delay would not bother me in the least. But it was, after all, a time of COVID and the plane was full... and well... you get the picture.

Finally, at a little past the two-hour mark the pilot informed us we had to disembark. Truthfully, I was a little relieved – some of the family members of the “I-don’t-want-to-cover-my-nose" were seated in front of me and I was getting a little perturbed.

On the positive side I was sure it would be only a matter of time and we would be on our way, hopefully on a larger plane. I also noted that they let people off by calling the rows. It was definitely nice and orderly, and I couldn’t help but wonder if that will be an ongoing thing.

Once inside the terminal, people tried to distance themselves from each other as we waited further news.

Another hour passed and we were handed food vouchers at a café, but told to stay close by. An additional hour after that the ticket personnel informed us that the flight was cancelled because the replacement part we needed had not yet arrived. However, the flight was rescheduled to 7:20 a.m. the next morning. The crowd went wild!

Several people began to shout as the poor staff tried their best to convey their apologies. Frankly, I was shocked. What happened to all that Canadian politeness we pride ourselves on? And obviously there was nothing that could be done as this was the only plane Aeromexico had at the airport at that time. I felt deeply sorry for the employees of the airline, but not surprised as I have seen firsthand the lack of patience and manners some people seem to have since COVID struck.

Again, we lined up to receive a new boarding pass as well as a letter which gave instructions as to how to claim an additional $1,000 compensation. I was incredulous and had to ask twice. Hotel? Food? And a thousand bucks? Which would go into your bank account? (I found out later it is standard with this airline if a flight is delayed a certain number of hours.)

One downside was that because they did not know what hotel would be accepting us for the night, we would have to come back in another hour to stand in line once more for our voucher. A quick calculation based on the number of passengers and how slowly the lines moved, I estimated another two hours in queue. Then a shuttle would take us to a hotel, which probably meant another hour at the very least. By then it would be close to 6 p.m.

The second downside was we would have to take our luggage. It all sounded like my idea of hell — did I mention we are in the middle of a pandemic? It was then I realized that financially I was technically ahead of the game, and I did the only thing a sensible and practical woman could do. 

After picking up my luggage, I walked through the terminal to the luxurious Sheraton/Marriott attached to it and booked a room for the night. I treated myself to wine and dinner from room service (ridiculously priced) and fell asleep on crisp, clean, white sheets. Total cost with tax was $290 Canadian.

Bright and early the next morning, feeling rested and filled with optimism, I headed for the terminal. I was greeted with an incredibly long line of people in front of me and I wondered why I had not had the foresight to just wait.

At 5 a.m., Aeromexico announced that the flight would not board at 7:20 a.m. as promised because the plane could not be fixed due to a faulty replacement part.

There would, however, be another one later in the day as soon as a plane coming from Mexico arrived. It had not, however,
actually left Mexico City. More anger from several people and again my sympathies were with the personnel who had to impart the news of a delay, that meant many of us, including me, would miss our connecting flights in Mexico City.

We were instructed to return in six hours time.

I immediately called the hotel, and luckily, they said I could have my room back until noon, no charge. Not only was I able to stay away from the crowds who had no other choice but to stay where they were, I was able to take a nap.

Five hours later, I was back in the terminal to an even bigger lineup, it seemed. Definitely slower because on top of everything else that could go wrong, this time the computers were down.

By now, my lineup mates and I were getting a little giddy and surprisingly semi-friendships were being formed. At a safe distance, of course. I congratulated myself on how calm and unstressed I felt — which in my case might have had a lot to do with an amazing sleep and next morning nap — but still, patience is not my strongest suit.

Finally, at 2:30 p.m. (an hour late) the plane took off. As I checked in, I made a point of telling the airline employee how appreciative I was of the staff who had to deal with such a stressful situation completely out of their control. I wonder if that is why I managed to get a whole row to myself on the plane to Mexico City.

Best of all, the family who refused to properly wear their masks were seated far from me and the numerous announcements during the flight to do so were heartening.

Once I arrived in Mexico City, things went smoothly. This time, I did not have to pick up all of my luggage as it would go straight to Ixtapa Zihuatanejo.

My voucher for the hotel was issued quickly as we left customs and in under an hour, I was at the El Camino Hotel. I have stayed in the hotel before and I noticed that here, too, all protocols in the airport, hotel and later restaurant were strictly kept.

On the short shuttle between airport and hotel, I noticed that everyone wore a mask on the streets. After good food, more room service for wine I richly deserved (this time at a reasonable price), I was ready for the last leg of the journey the next morning.

I immediately went from the airport to my apartment and into self-imposed isolation. In Canada, isolation is mandatory for 14 days for any visitor, but it is not in Mexico, something I personally feel is a mistake. As I had a negative COVID-19 test a few days prior to leaving Canada, I chose to do 10 days, but would have done the full 14 days if I had any symptoms at all.

Without a doubt, to travel during COVID is a challenge with anything from flight delays to crowds in an airport to people who do not understand the basic principles of safety protocols adding to the stress.

But there were a few things I learned or had reiterated for me as a traveller, along the way.

1. Try to keep your emotions and frustrations in check when dealing with anyone in the airline, or hospitality industry. (Or anywhere for that matter). It is not their fault that delays happen so do not use them as a personal punching bag.

2. Although it is not necessary to self-isolate in Mexico, do it anyway. It is the right thing to do. And if you have a delayed schedule it should be a no-brainer. And perhaps if all you have is a two-week window and not five to six months as I am fortunate to have, this might be the year to forgo a vacation. Just a thought.

3. Always wear your mask — even when walking down the streets as it is mandatory in some cities, highly suggested and encouraged in others. But do it regardless of where you are or whether others are not. Do not be one of those people who immediately rip their masks off upon arrival at the airport as I saw one couple do who were on the same flight as I was and therefore had experienced all the same delays that I had. Please be safe and keep others safe, too.

And lastly...

4. If I am lucky to have avoided getting COVID-19 on this trip, and it appears I have, I am convinced I had a guardian angel to watch over me.

Buen Viaje!

PS: Now on Day 10 and no symptoms or issues, so I think my angel was working overtime.

Elisabeth Ashe is an area resident and writer who also spends winters in Mexico. 


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