“The Man, The Myth, The Legend” passed away peacefully at home with his family by his side on June 7, 2021 at the age of 71. Beloved husband of Maria Warren, loving father of Corey, Carrie-Ann, Karly, Kitchener and Kristjen, beloved son of the late June and Russ Warren. Keith was loved by so many, could always put a smile on anyone’s face, was always the life of the party with his contagious laugh and smile.
He was truly one of a kind and wouldn’t think twice about lending a hand or helping anyone in need. His home was always open to anyone who wanted to drop by……….so many stories to be remembered. Keith will always have a special place in the hearts of so many friends and family and will be forever remembered for his amazing soul.
Celebration of Life to be held at Keith’s home on Saturday, June 19th at noon. Arrangements entrusted to the Doolittle Chapel of Carson Funeral Home, 54 Coldwater St. E., Orillia (705) 326-3595. www.carsonfuneralhomes.com