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Jonathan Otis: Ward 4, Ramara

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Jonathan Otis

My name is Jonathan Otis. I was born on December 14, 1971 and I am married with two children.

Upon graduation from high school in 1991, I was awarded the York University Merit Award for academic achievement as well as designated an Ontario Scholar. In 1994, I received my Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Ontario and subsequently, in 1998, received my law degree from the University of Ottawa. 

I am running to be Councillor of Ward 4 Brechin because I believe that I will bring a fresh perspective to council and the conversations of how best to achieve progressive change and development for the community of Brechin while at the same time preserving and enhancing the local heritage and natural environment of Brechin.

One of my main goals is to create economic growth through a mix of private and public initiatives. I want to encourage and promote new ideas and activities that will ultimately attract young families and tourists to Brechin on a consistent basis.

I believe Brechin can be a place where businesses and families will want to invest and grow together if we begin to think outside the box and work together to achieve our collective goals. 

If I am elected as Brechin’s council representative I promise to work diligently with my colleagues to tackle the issues facing the community at large (illegal dumping, lack of adequate municipal services, debt, development, etc). I will always be available to my constituents and will always make sure their voices are heard.

If elected, I will also be donating 100% of any salary or compensation I may receive for my role as councillor back to Brechin and I will be 100% self-funding my campaign.

Please contact me to discuss your issues: (647) 407-5191, [email protected].


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