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Phil Brennan: Ward 3, Severn Township

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Phil Brennan

Phil Brennan
Candidate for Councillor
Ward 3 Severn Township

I am running for the position of councillor, Ward 3, because I care about living well in a healthy and sustainable Severn Township.  

My platform is: to attract new business and jobs; to maintain reasonable taxes and to ensure that our Official Plan protects our water, natural heritage and health.

So why do I feel qualified to do the job? Because I have a solid track record for getting things done.

Retired now, I was the Senior Manager for Ontario's Environmental Assessment Program and more recently was responsible for implementing the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. Prior to that I worked with MNR in various capacities including Planning Forester in Temagami and spent much of my career working with logging and sawmill companies to generate and maintain jobs.  I was also Provincial Issues Manager for the Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Natural Resources.

I am a Past President of the Ontario Association for Impact Assessment and a current Director for the Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition (30 groups working together).

In Severn Township, I led the very successful 2016 public campaign to restore quality library services to over 1,300 Severn residents. I am also an active community volunteer.

My experiences have provided me with strong skills in project and issues management, stakeholder engagement and planning, and for working with the private sector and all levels of government.

As your councillor, I will champion the development and implementation of an Economic Strategy to attract the right type of businesses to Severn.     

I will also fight for the development and implementation of an Environmental Strategy that strongly protects our green spaces and sources of water and includes municipal action on climate change.

 Contact Information:  Email: [email protected]; Facebook: PhilBrennanforSevern; Website:; Phone 705-325-4371; Twitter: @pjpbrennan




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