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COLUMN: Imagine if the Olympics were held in our local forests

Columnist takes you inside the Wildlife Summer Olympic Games which feature both crushing defeats and ultimate survivals
A beaver is preparing to gnaw on a limb ... or to go for a gold medal in the Wildlife Summer Olympic Games.

Good morning sports fans and welcome to our continuing coverage of the Wildlife Summer Olympic Games! I'm Buck Boaring, your host for the day, and joining us to report from the field, as always, is Chip Underfoot!

Yes, indeed, these seasonal games are indeed proving to be as exciting as ever, with each event providing both crushing defeats and ultimate survivals! 

Let's go to Chip, who's covering the early morning events at Feeder Stadium! Chip, are you there? 

Hey Buck, Chip here, covering the early morning events at the incredible Feeder Stadium! Since dawn's early light there has been a quiet frenzy of activity as competitors ready themselves for the day's challenges!

First up is the Peanut Dash and Stash, and Team Chipmunk have come on strong with their characteristic grab-a-mouthful and run technique! Wow, these guys have been training every day and it's really starting to show as they manoeuvre for position around the feeder: dash in, grab as many peanuts that can fit in their cheek pouches and get out of the way just in time for a team mate to next make their move! This event is just underway with no clear winner yet, so back to you in the studio, Buck!

Hey Chip, thanks for that update, and we will be hearing from you shortly from the High Wire Road Crossing event in just a moment! This is Buck Boaring, keeping you informed and up to the minute of all the excitement here in the studio at Wildlife Summer Olympic Games!

Word has just reached us that there’s been an upset in the Ground Burrowing event as apparently one of the competitors has been discovered to be, get this, a badger! Despite this individual self-identifying as a ground hog, sorry buddy, rules are rules… this is a ground hog burrowing event! While there are reports of continued growling and snapping coming from the pit, we anticipate the Ground Burrowing event will take place as scheduled!

Hey Chip, are the High Wire Road Crossing competitors in place? I know our viewers are as excited as I am watching from our magnificent air-conditioned control desk as to how the afternoon events will unfold! 

Hey Buck, despite the brutal heat out here there is a good turnout to watch this precision timed event as one squirrel after another must climb the pole, balance across the roadway on frayed wires, descend, find a huge ripe walnut, and return with it to the starting point! The big grey squirrels are poised to retain their top spot in this event, but a few red squirrels have also entered the fray! If the predicted winds pick up this could be a real test of balance versus determination!

Hey Chip, sounds like a lot of excitement is building for that event! Let’s hope there won’t be a repeat of last year’s disaster when that grey squirrel froze halfway across and dropped his walnut onto the passing vehicle below! 

Word has just come in that there is chaos back at the Peanut Dash and Stash event as apparently a cat has slipped past security and is creating absolute havoc with Team Chipmunk!

Please avoid this area until further notice! This is Buck Boaring, keeping you informed and up to the minute of all the excitement heard here in the studio at Wildlife Summer Olympic Games! Chip, back to you!

Oh, hi Buck, (pant-pant, whew), yes the heat is indeed brutal out here. I am almost at the next event where at least there will be water available. Ah yes, here we are (pant, wheeze, pant) at the Log Gnawing Event, a summer favourite for cottagers everywhere!

Team Beaver has been trash-talking Team Porcupine for weeks leading up to this event and there is anticipation that a few barbs may be headed back to the Beavers! And here’s a surprise! Team Meadow Vole has entered the event as they claim that the rule of ratio of body size to area gnawed clean works to their advantage!

There’s buzz in the air that Team Beaver are a bit put off by this tactic! Can they brush it off and focus on the task at hand?

This is Chip Underfoot, turning it back to Buck Boaring, who is waiting to tell you everything I just told you but with a more measured and authoritative tone to his voice!

Hey Chip, welcome back to the fabulous Wildlife Summer Olympics Games opulent reporting desk where I, Buck Boaring, will soon be joined with a panel of former competitors to discuss the continuing reduction of training spaces! Their slogan is “If Mother Nature ain’t happy, Ain’t nobody Happy!”

But first, in just a few minutes, an update on that earlier confusion as just what are the pollinators are supposed to be gathering ... nectar or pollen? Seems that the imported bees have really upset ancient ways! 

Hey Buck? Chip Underfoot out here in the drought-stricken playing field! Can I come in now? 

Hey Chip! We’re about to wrap things up here at the fabulous air-conditioned opulent sports commentary desk, so why not take a break and find a shady spot somewhere out there to kick back and enjoy the Games!

This is Buck Boaring, wrapping up another gruelling day of reporting about the Wildlife Summer Olympic Games! Stay safe everyone, and we’ll be back live tomorrow morning! (Assuming that cat has been dealt with.)  


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