With the colder nights of fall upon us the members of the OPP Marine Unit attached to the Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) would like to remind all vessel operators to take a moment prior to heading out on the water and check their vessels safety equipment.
Cold water reduces a persons likely hood of surviving a lengthy time in the water should you go overboard as a view of the following link will demonstrate: ColdWaterBoootCamp
For vessel operators who wear the newer style inflatable lifejackets please find the attached educational instructions from the Canadian Safe Boating Council.
The marine crew remind cottagers to practise Lock It or Lose It especially now as cottage close up season is nearing.
Officers crewing the OPP Patrol Vessel Thomas P. Coffin remind all vessel operators that they are checking for vessel equipment and for liquor offences which they are vigorously enforcing in an effort to reduce injuries and fatalities on our area waterways. For more information on safe vessel operation and equipment please view the following websites:
Educational links from the Office of Safe Boating:
For anyone who is unsure of the equipment required for their vessel please view the following link to get the "APP" for their mobile device or or view the Transport Canada Safe Boating Guide at
Police remind vessel operators that an essential part of our enforcement effort is to save lives and reduce injuries on our waterways while promoting and educating the public about safe boating practices. Your Lifejacket only works if YOU'RE WEARING IT!