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Local factories helped Orillia baseball teams hit a home run

During Orillia's industrial heyday, many factories and businesses sponsored a wide variety of sports teams that played locally, provincially and beyond
219 Bartaco ball team 1965
This baseball team, circa 1965, was sponsored by Bartaco and was one of many sports teams from that era sponsored by local factories.

Postcard Memories is a weekly series of historic postcard views and photos submitted by Marcel Rousseau.

Some were previously published by the Orillia Museum of Art and History and in the book Postcard Memories Orillia.

During Orillia's industrial heyday, many factories and businesses sponsored a wide variety of sports teams. E. Long, Otaco, P & M, Fahralloy and Tudhope Metal were just a few of the names that were seen on the jerseys of Orillia's hockey, bowling or baseball teams during those years.   

This 1965 photo of the team sponsored by Bartaco, formerly Otaco, shows a few of the talented ballplayers who will be familiar to longtime Orillia residents.

We can provide most of the names. Starting in the back row, from left, are Ron Ley, Wayne Orton, Bob Earle, Wayne Ward, Frank John, Gary Keller, Gary ?, and John Hall.  

Middle row: Wayne Perryman, Dave Swailes, Ross Cranney, Bill Burtch, Brad Graham and Lyn Gammon.

Front row; Jim Ball, Randy Gibson, Brad Gibson and Norm Gibson.


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