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Stu Campaigne

Stu Campaigne

Stu Campaigne is a Canadore College graduate and intrepid journalist in the digital age. He is a full-time, proud Dad of two and a part-time fantasy sports aficionado. Stu is a media man for all seasons, covers the City Hall beat, and welcomes all news tips to [email protected].

[email protected]

Recent Work by Stu

Leaders steer clear of commercial vehicle safety issue at debate

Leaders steer clear of commercial vehicle safety issue at debate

'We're going to widen Highways 11 and 17 as well as Highway 69 and we're going to build the Cochrane bypass too,' promises NDP leader
'My heart breaks for her': N. Ontario community demands justice

'My heart breaks for her': N. Ontario community demands justice

Protesters on hand to 'show Kaylie that she is loved and supported and that she has people here that are willing to get justice for her'
Suspect in vicious Cobalt attack of female teen remains in jail

Suspect in vicious Cobalt attack of female teen remains in jail

Victim's best friend, who skipped school to take part in protest outside court, says no one is surprised the attack happened
Fugitive, wanted in connection with local bank robbery, apprehended

Fugitive, wanted in connection with local bank robbery, apprehended

On July 7, Orillia OPP notified the public that Gauthier had broken his statutory release and police say he is connected to an armed robbery in Alliston
Man wanted for Orillia bank robbery eluded capture in North Bay

Man wanted for Orillia bank robbery eluded capture in North Bay

'I believe the two of them are suspects in an armed robbery in the Orillia area so my guess is they were just passing through,' says North Bay police official
BEYOND LOCAL: Northern Ontario woman hopes to reach others afflicted with same rare and debilitating medical condition

BEYOND LOCAL: Northern Ontario woman hopes to reach others afflicted with same rare and debilitating medical condition

'It's a rocking feeling. A constant feeling that I'm in motion. A feeling of being drunk that never goes away'
SHOP TALK: Ideal comment board models: anonymous or eponymous?

SHOP TALK: Ideal comment board models: anonymous or eponymous?

'It brings out a little bit of the worst in some people. But I think most people act the same way depending on how their character is built. What I think it does is opens the door for those toxic people.'
ONTARIO: Landlords offer expertise as province sorts out commercial rental assistance

ONTARIO: Landlords offer expertise as province sorts out commercial rental assistance

'All of my properties — even my restaurants have paid. They've had some struggles but they are doing takeout. I have a fitness club which is completely shut down — they're not allowed to operate and yet they've maintained their rent...'
COVID-19: Family fatigue is real and it's threatening your mental health in quarantine

COVID-19: Family fatigue is real and it's threatening your mental health in quarantine

When it comes to spending time with the same people day after day, taking time away from your living situation and taking time for yourself is a key step we can all take. In this rare example, when it comes to family time, less is sometimes more
ONTARIO: Preparing for 'heartbreaking' COVID-19 outcomes at long-term care homes

ONTARIO: Preparing for 'heartbreaking' COVID-19 outcomes at long-term care homes

'We understand this is heartbreaking, but it is important that we communicate the circumstances as we know them so that you may consider and decide in advance what measures might be acceptable to you should your loved one suffer from COVID-19 or require hospitalization'
More work by Stu >