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City rec programs, March break programs are still a go

'The situation is evolving rapidly and the information is constantly changing,' says city's mayor, who urges citizens to take precautions
2018-06-06 Orillia City Centre

The City of Orillia is following the recommendations of the Province of Ontario and the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) regarding the city’s response to COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) locally.

The city is implementing enhanced cleaning procedures in city-owned and operated facilities, which includes keeping public hand sanitizer dispensers full, more cleaning of high-touch points such as debit machines, door knobs, and front counters.

TOK Transit, the city’s transit provider, is cleaning the busses every night with a commercial disinfectant, and the drivers are disinfecting high-touch points, such as railings and handles, throughout their shift. 

“The City of Orillia is in regular communications with our public health officials and community partners and are collaboratively putting in place measures to mitigate the impact and spread of COVID-19 at a local level,” said Mayor Steve Clarke. “The situation is evolving rapidly and the information is constantly changing. Rest assured that we are following the directions of our public health officials and will continue to monitor the situation to determine next steps.”

Below are the current impacts to city services and facilities effective Friday, March 13. As we continue to monitor the situation and communicate regularly with public health officials, this information may change. For current information, visit

  • All large events or public gatherings of 250 or more held at city-owned facilities will be cancelled until April 30, 2020. Impacted event organizers will be contacted directly.
  • March Break camps will proceed with a verbal screening tool being carried out for each participant at the beginning of each day. The screening questions are available on the City’s website.
  • All recreation programs, not operating in a school, will proceed with a verbal screening tool being carried out for each participant at the beginning of the program each day.
  • The Orillia Public Library will remain open, but is cancelling Children’s and Youth programs and one-one-one technology training until April 6, 2020.

The following City facilities are closed to the public until further notice:

  • Municipal Operations Centre (20 James St.)
  • Waste Water Treatment Centre (40 Kitchener St.)

All other City facilities remain open and we are implementing a self-screening tool at the entrance of all City facilities. We are also requesting that the public limit unnecessary visits to City facilities. Please take advantage of our online and alternative payment options including:

  • Payments for both tax and water bills via online or telephone banking.  A drop slot is also available for payment, located outside of City Centre, 50 Andrew St. S.;
  • Parking tickets can be paid online;
  • Garbage tags and dog licenses are available for purchase at select local vendors.

 The City of Orillia will continue to follow the recommendations of the SMDHU and the Province of Ontario. The decision to continue March Break camps in light of school closures in Ontario was made in consultation with the SMDHU. The limited number of participants and the enhanced screening tool follows public health recommendations.

“I want to reiterate that our citizens can make a difference. By following some basic hygienic practices, we can ‘flatten the curve’ of the cases that are sure to come to our area and reduce the pressure on our health service providers,” said Mayor Steve Clarke. 

We encourage everyone to make sure they are actively following good hygienic practices common for any cold or flu bug season, such as:

Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

  • Before and after preparing food
  • Before and after eating
  • After using the washroom

Sneeze and cough into your sleeve or a tissue then discard

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth

Avoid contact with people who are sick

AND stay home if you are sick

The SMDHU also encourages social distancing of two metres and recommends cancellation of all non-essential travel.   

For more information please visit the SMDHU website at:



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