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Four out of five splash pads in Orillia won't open this summer

Officials say Moose Beach splash pad will open, but note it's not yet ready to welcome those trying to beat the heat
2018-08-15 Springwater Splash Pad 5
Orillia will not be opening four of its five splash pads this summer.

In the grip of the summer’s first heat wave, many people - especially those with young kids - might be cool to this news.

The city will not be opening four of its five splash pads this summer. The silver lining is that the large splash pad at Moose Beach will open - but not yet.

Jennifer Ruff, the city’s director of business development and communications, said the reasoning behind the closure is two-fold: the pandemic-induced protocols would be too expensive and it would be too difficult to ensure the health and safety of those enjoying the popular water features.

“In consultation with the environment services and infrastructure and community services department, the city’s emergency management committee determined that for the 2020 season only the Moose Beach splash pad would open when provided the green light from the province,” said Ruff.

“This is due in part to the extensive health and safety protocols outlined by the Lifesaving Society for splash pads to operate in a safe manner during COVID-19,” she noted. 

“Provided the increased staffing and operational requirements and costs associated with operating splash pads during COVID-19, along with the fact that Moose Beach is our one splash pad that has ultraviolet disinfection (UV) and additional chlorine disinfection, it was determined that Moose Beach would be the only splash pad to open for the 2020 season,” she said.

She noted the Moose Beach site at Tudhope Park “also allows for physical distancing required by the health unit, along with controlled entry and exit points.”

She said the Moose Beach splash pad must pass an inspection from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit prior to opening. The health unit will also ensure the city is employing safe opening protocols.

“We understand this may be disappointing for many, but the health and safety of our community along with the fiscal responsibility to our taxpayers were all taken into consideration when making this difficult decision,” she said.

Ruff was unable to provide an opening date for the Moose Beach splash pad.

The splash pads at Clayt French Park, Hillcrest Park, Victoria Park and McKinnell Square Park will not open this summer.

Even when operating with effective disinfection, maintenance or operating procedures, the Lifesaving Society notes water playgrounds (splash pads) present higher risk of COVID-19 contamination due to:

  • Design and features that make it more difficult to maintain appropriate physical
  • distancing.
  • The size and design of the facility creating a challenge to keep surfaces clean
  • and disinfected.
  • The potential for the virus to be spread when patrons touch common surfaces, then touch their unwashed hands to eyes, nose or mouth.
  • The common use of fresh water with no added disinfectant (bromine or chlorine)

As a result, the following guidelines must be followed, according to the Lifesaving Society, for water playgrounds and splash pads:

Water playgrounds should only operate while there is no ongoing community spread of COVID-19 in your region in accordance with provincial/territorial health authority recommendations.

Splas pads should only operate if a fence is erected around the perimeter of the water playground to control access by identifying a separate entrance and exit.

During opening hours, always ensure the presence of an employee able to ensure access control and patron supervision.

Conduct regular disinfection of common contact surfaces, such as water play activation mechanisms, nozzles, rainbows, etc.

If using treated water for water playgrounds, maintain at least the same disinfection levels of water quality as swimming pool water standards.


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